Extra's : 可爱一 评论 :Keaiyi comments

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I get used to being left out, it's doesn't matter anymore. I get it, by my name means "The cute one" but it doesn't change anything in me, nobody is going to come up to me & confess right away. Maybe some did, but most of them end up being like a creep. I just want a perfect person who will be the one who will stay by my side & won't be completely obsessed.

Everyone falling in love & here I am just, falling behind... I hate it, but it's probably my fault that I don't accept any. Plus, even if I am popular among boys & girls. I can hear their voices talking about me, but it just them who never even wanted to come up to me.

But honestly, I think Shengqi & Haixiu are cute together! ♡♡♡

表达的情绪 : Express  Emotions حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن