Chapter 5: 脸红 :Blushing

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'What the hell.... why am I even blushing right now... Just because he doesn't think I am annoying, doesn't mean he liked me... How, hopeless romantic am I?...' Shengqi thought in his mind as Keayi walks in "Oh, hi." Keayi waves as she smile. 'Keayi...' Haixiu thought as he look at her, "T-thanks for the chocolate you gave me." Keayi smile & laugh, "Haha, your welcome! You are so gloomy anyways.

Shengqi look at Haixiu & wonder... 'I said that I will loves & likes Keaiyi forever, but... maybe I could like somebody else....' Shengqi thought as he stare at Haixiu, Keayi talks to Haixiu as he just stay silent & didn't talk much while Shengqi states at Haixiu. "You know, maybe it's better if we exchange phone numbers. It will be great no?" Keaiyi said as he smiles & pulled out her phone.

Haixiu does too & he nudges Shengqi, "Hey, let's exchange." Haixiu said gently as he smile softly, Shengqi nods & they three exchange phone numbers. Shengqi was kinda happy, in fact he felt as if he did something extraordinary. Class start, Shengqi & Keaiyi then sits in their seat & continue to focus on class. Shengqi face was red, the whole time & he starts to cover his face at some point too.

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