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"Make zero?" Shen Yi didn't seem to expect that Shu Jiabao's request was actually this. She repeated the other party's words and felt that this request was beyond her expectation.

There was a smile in her eyes when she spoke, but Shu Jiabao couldn't understand what the smile meant.

Why do young sisters nowadays care so much about whether they are on top or bottom?

Shen Yi didn't quite understand either.

She thought that if two people liked each other, they could accommodate each other in this regard, and there was no such thing as fixed attributes.

"You'd better take the card back." Shen Yi put the card in his hand back on the coffee table and gently pushed it back in front of Shu Jiabao with his fingertips.

The thin card was returned to its original position. Shu Jiabao lowered his eyes and glanced at the bank card, and his beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Shen Yi's back and forth affected her emotions. She originally thought that the other party had agreed to her proposal, so she expressed her request, but who knew that the other party returned the card again.

What's the matter, is it hard for you to make zero?

Shu Jiabao cursed in his heart. In such a short period of two years, she had been forced to compromise so many times, but now she asked Shen Yi, but the other party actually refused.

But in this world, things like this always come and go. How can anyone always do the right thing?

Just because your name is Shen Yi?

But this "meaning" is not necessarily equal to "1", right?

Shu Jiabao has many thoughts and wonderful changes in emotions. This scene becomes very interesting in Shen Yi's eyes.

Even she had to admit that Shu Jiabao was a very good performer.

Seeing that she hadn't spoken for so long, Shen Yi guessed that this person might be brainstorming again.

So she spoke directly, interrupting the other person's random thoughts: "You don't have to think too much. Even if there weren't these weird requests, I wouldn't ask for your money. I will go abroad in a while." Shen Yi

thought I thought, but decided to tell the other party the truth.

Although she is now willing to admit that she has some liking for Shu Jiabao, it does not mean that she will change her plans for him.

In this life, no one knows who you will meet in the next second, what kind of scenery you will see, and whether your heart will be moved again.

After experiencing Xiao Yuhan, Shen Yi has learned a lesson. No matter how excited she is when she meets someone now, she may just be a passerby in a stage of life in the end. She is no longer a child. She finally figured out that she needs to explore and develop in a new direction. Naturally, I won't give up on my future just because of this budding heartbeat.

But at the same time, she figured out that she should give the other party the same fairness, at least Shu Jiabao should have the right to know.

"Going to what country?" Shu Jiabao didn't think too clearly for a moment, "Are you going on a business trip again?" "How

long will you go this time?"

She subconsciously thought that "going abroad" in Shen Yi's words meant a business trip. In addition, she also I can't think too deeply about it.

But what does the business trip have to do with their relationship?

"It's not a business trip. I have already contacted a law firm in country

He spoke slowly and without any ups and downs.

Her job prospects were very complicated, and there was no need to go into details with the other party, so she only gave a rough outline.

Of course, Shu Jiabao could tell that the other party was talking to her seriously, but it was this seriousness that made her realize that this time things might no longer be something she could get past by acting coquettishly.

Although the matter is not clear yet, she has begun to feel a little sad for no reason.


"How long will it take?"

she asked again.

Further training and learning will always come back, she told herself.

"It's not clear yet, maybe one year, maybe two years, maybe..." Shen Yi narrowed her eyes, and her eyes began to become complicated, "I'm still young, just like you want to be a good actor, I also want to be an excellent lawyer."

Shu Jiabao noticed that when Shen Yi said this, stars were twinkling in Shen Yi's eyes, which were dazzling and beautiful, just like her.

It is the love for my profession and the vision for the future.

"There are so many shortcomings in me now." Shen Yi continued.

Unknowingly, the two people's attention shifted from love to other places. Shu Jiabao's expression gradually became serious, and she was carefully understanding the meaning of Shen Yi's words.

"I know." After hearing this, she felt that she didn't need to listen anymore.

She understood Shen Yi's current mood very well, probably because she was such a person.

Indeed, if it were her, given the choice between her favorite career and a relationship that has not yet begun, she would choose the former.

Only a better self can be worthy of good people.

Shu Jiabao suddenly seemed to understand why Shen Yi had always had an inexplicable attraction that attracted her. At this moment, she found the answer.

Something seemed to have changed between the two of them at this moment. Although they were not together yet and had no confirmed relationship, they had already found a soul connection.

"Sister Shen Yi, I wish you in advance that you will come back from your studies and become the person you want to be." With that said, Shu Jiabao picked up the mineral water bottle on the coffee table and raised it towards Shen Yi, then opened it and took a sip.

Perhaps it's a lingering effect from her previous filming experience, but she still retains a chivalrous spirit.

A pair of starry eyes curved like a not-full crescent moon, looking at Shen Yi like this, making Shen Yi confused for a moment.

She who usually would not respond to such childish behavior actually imitated Shu Jiabao at this moment, picked up the mineral water and took a sip in her mouth: "Then I wish you the same. I hope that when I come back, you will have become a famous person." A noisy actor."

The two of them suddenly turned the ambiguous atmosphere into "brotherhood". Shen Yi didn't know what went wrong. Although she felt a little strange and inexplicable, she also felt that this development might be good.

But Shu Jiabao didn't want to let things develop like this.

Shu Jiabao put the water in his hand back on the coffee table and said to himself: "Since you will be leaving in a while, and your return date is uncertain..." "Then I will live with you for a while

. "

She blinked, a hint of slyness flashing in her eyes.

The solemn atmosphere suddenly changed, because Shu Jiabao's two words suddenly became relaxed again.

But Shen Yi couldn't turn around this time.

"You..." She opened her lips, not knowing what to say.

She thought that after the conversation just now, Shu Jiabao had given up on her.

But I didn't expect that the other party had this skill.

"Since you like me and I like you, then why can't I stay with you for the last time before you leave?" Shu Jiabao opened her mouth and Shen Yi couldn't refute. She slowly stood up and left her current position. Walked in front of Shen Yi.

In this condescending manner, he lowered his head and looked at the other person, with his thin lips slightly parted: "What do you think, Sister Shen Yi?"


After everything was explained clearly, Shu Jiabao naturally stayed.

She naturally has a place in Shen Yi's master bedroom. Their current relationship is not lovers but more than lovers.

But without that layer of covering veil, Shu Jiabao no longer has to perform deliberately in front of Shen Yi, she can show her truest self to her heart's content.

Late at night, the two of them were lying on the bed, rarely doing anything.

Just leaning sideways and chatting briefly.

Although they are no longer secretive about each other, there are still many things that have not been revealed.

for example--

"Since when did you know that I was lying to you?" Shu Jiabao finally asked this question that she had been curious about from the beginning. She thought that her acting skills were very good and she had never exposed any flaws in front of Shen Yi.

It was only after she found out that the other party had seen through it that she didn't bother to cover it up, but when did Shen Yi start to see through it... She didn't know.

"I knew it a long time ago." Shen Yi didn't expect the other party to ask this, but she still answered honestly.

"How early?"

Seeing that Shu Jiabao seemed to want to know, Shen Yi simply turned to the side and turned on the bedside lamp, then reached out and took the phone over.

After a while, she found a photo that had been stored in her phone. She turned the screen to Shu Jiabao so that the other party could see the picture on her phone clearly: "This, it's you." Although it was only a distance

away Although the profile is far away, people familiar with it can usually recognize it, not to mention the relationship between Shen Yi and Shu Jiabao.

Even if they don't see each other day and night, they are still very close people.

Shu Jiabao stared at the photo, frowning as she tried to recall something. Human memory is always limited, and it was difficult for her to recall it after such a long time.

But after thinking about it for a while, I finally remembered -

"This is..."

"Ah, this was when I attended my friend's birthday party more than half a year ago, on a yacht by the river."

As she said that, she stretched out her two hands. I zoomed in on the picture with just my finger and finally found the reason why I was exposed.

"I remember, you met with me that night, right?" Shen Yi put the phone away and put it on the bedside table aside, she said casually.

The so-called meeting is just a euphemistic way of saying it.

They meet three times a week, and every time they meet they get to the point.

Shu Jiabao always had various excuses to go back to school afterwards. Shen Yi didn't think much about it at that time, let alone care about it, but he didn't expect that the "go back to school" he meant was to go back to school after having sex with him. At the next dinner party, party all night long.

She didn't even know what to say to Shu Jiabao.

"You have quite good physical strength." Shen Yi looked at her with a hint.

But this sentence reminded Shu Jiabao of the things she had done before, and her face became a little uneasy for a moment. She buried her face under the quilt and only exposed her eyes.

"What kind of physical strength are you talking about?" A muffled voice came from the quilt, and Shu Jiabao blinked.

"In all aspects."


Shu Jiabao did what he said.

The next day, she packed some changes of clothes and moved directly into Shen Yi's house, where she stayed.

Although the two people have not established any relationship, they have acquiesced in such an intimate cohabitation behavior.

As mentioned last night, Shen Yi is still in the country for the last month, and the new drama that the agency helped her to pick up will be cast around that time.

Therefore, this last month is a rare time for the two of them to be alone. After this month, they will both rush to their own futures, and they don't know when they will see each other again.

During this month, Shu Jiabao would occasionally go back to the dormitory, but not often. Once or twice a week, thank God. Most of the time, she would be wherever Shen Yi was, as if she had never existed before. "Love Time".

There weren't many classes in the second semester of his junior year, and Shu Jiabao often skipped some public classes, so there were even fewer classes.

As for Shen Yi, because he was preparing to go abroad, he didn't take on any more cases and was in a very relaxed state.

When two leisurely people stay together, they naturally do things that make them less leisurely.

On this day, after Marx's class, Shu Jiabao saw Shen Yi standing in the corridor waiting as soon as he walked out of the big classroom.

"Baby, your cousin is here to pick you up to play with you again. I'm so envious!" The roommate who was in class with her was already familiar with Shen Yi's "cousin" and couldn't help but sigh.

Shu Jiabao kissed her lips without leaving a trace, took Shen Yi and walked out of the teaching building with the flow of people after class.

"Where's Xu Ying? Doesn't she share a dormitory with you?" Shen Yi suddenly asked, "Has she given you any trouble recently?" It turns out that Shen Yi has been coming to University A frequently in the past two weeks, but every time she waits for someone at the door of the

dormitory Xu Ying was nowhere to be seen. She also paid attention when she was waiting for someone outside the classroom today, but she didn't see it either.

So I can't help but be a little curious.

"She joined the group to film." Although Shu Jiabao felt strange when she heard Shen Yi asked Xu Ying, she didn't think much about it. She said casually, "There are four of us in the dormitory, and the other two are planning not to do this business after graduation. So she is the only one who is still working hard to take roles."

Xu Ying took on another TV series through Gong Zheng's relationship. Although it was not a major role, it had more scenes and a lot of lines, so half a month ago she Already joined the group.

Gong Zheng also asked Shu Jiabao about this script at that time, but Shu Jiabao had already signed a contract with an agency at the time, and her agent didn't like this kind of script. In addition, she was a little upset because of Shen Yi's affairs at the time, so she directly Pushed away.

"Where are we going to eat today?" After talking to Xu Ying, Shu Jiabao's attention quickly shifted to other places.

After finishing the two small classes on Marx in the morning, it was not long before it was time for lunch. Now it was normal to ask where and what to eat at noon.

After these few weeks, Shu Jiabao has taken Shen Yi to eat all over the streets, and because she no longer has to hide the fact that she is rich, she can be very liberal in doing things.

At least the action of swiping the card in front of Shen Yi was much smoother every time.

As he was talking, the phone in his pocket rang.

The two of them stepped forward for a moment, and Shu Jiabao let go of Shen Yi's hand, took out his cell phone and answered the call.

Shen Yi didn't shy away from answering the call. She stood next to the other party and listened to the call clearly. Shu Jiabao frowned after saying a few words to the person on the phone. Then he hung up the phone helplessly.

"Your agent?" Shen Yi asked.

Shu Jiabao had a difficult agent. She had only heard him talk about it, so she thought the person on the other side of the phone was an agent.

"No..." Shu Jiabao rolled his eyes and sounded a little impatient when talking about this matter, "My dad told me on the phone two days ago that our family will open a new hotel in City A soon. Let me know when the time comes. Go over and palm the eyes on his behalf to see if there is any problem."

"Then I forgot about it." Shu Jiabao curled his lips.

She stayed with Shen Yi every day and had long forgotten her cheap father's instructions.

No, she just remembered this after a phone call came. "So was that call just now from your father?" Shen Yi asked Shu Jiabao

naturally and said "hmm" but his mood was not very high. Shen Yi thought it was nothing: "Let's go then. When is the opening?" Shu Jiabao: "...Today." ... The two people who were discussing where to eat at noon not long ago now arrived in City A. At the entrance of a hotel in the central area, the hotel entrance is filled with flower baskets of all sizes. The ground is covered with broken red firecrackers. There are red ribbons hanging at the door. It looks like it just opened today. Shu Jiabao opened the door and stepped out of the car. He looked up and saw the words "Yangcheng Hotel" and couldn't help but make a disgusted expression. "It's so earthy." She commented mercilessly, not sparing any face. Many passers-by stopped because of the red sign at the door. It seemed that there was a big discount because of the grand opening today. 10% off on meals and accommodation. And also provide fruit snacks. Shu Jiabao frowned at such low-level promotions. If her father hadn't said this was their hotel, she wouldn't have wanted to come. "Sister Shen Yi, I feel sorry for you and we will have lunch here today." Shu Jiabao turned his head and comforted Shen Yi.

Since she could say this, she must mean it sincerely.

Although she didn't have high requirements for food, she originally wanted to take Shen Yi to eat at another famous restaurant in the city today, but everything was interrupted by a phone call, so in her opinion, this was indeed an grievance.

Of course it won't taste good if you eat with your head pressed.

But this was not the case to Shen Yi and the passers-by who were watching.

"How can it be considered wronged?" Shen Yi was speechless.

Because of Shu Jiabao's words, the passers-by couldn't help but look at them a few more times. Shen Yi was really afraid of causing public outrage. Besides, on the first day of the hotel's opening, it was at the entrance of someone else's hotel. She continued: "Five-star Are you still aggrieved by the luxury hotel? Just accept it as

soon as you can." Shu Jiabao has been showing off his wealth in front of her a lot these days, and she is used to it, but these passers-by are not her.

"The five-star hotel is not the one I want to take you to eat at." Shu Jiabao wrinkled his nose reluctantly.

But even though he said that, he still walked towards the hotel lobby.

As soon as they entered the hotel lobby, they were greeted by the hotel manager who had been waiting there. The other party had seen Shu Jiabao's photo and knew that this was the eldest lady who came to inspect on behalf of the chairman.

"Miss Shu." The hotel manager is a good person. Seeing Shu Jiabao's unenthusiastic look, he knew that the other party didn't like her for being too attentive, so he immediately changed his attitude.

His appearance of neither being humble nor arrogant did not arouse Shu Jiabao's disgust.

Several people sat in the elevator and went all the way up. The manager took them into the large luxurious private room that had been prepared long ago, and then asked people to start preparing the dishes.

Shen Yi followed Shu Jiabao throughout the whole process and acted as a backdrop. Hearing the other person say "Ms. Shu" respectfully, he found it quite interesting for a while.

During this time, she followed Shu Jiabao and experienced a lot of conveniences only available to the "rich second generation".

During this period, Shu Jiabao got up and went outside to use the toilet. Unexpectedly, he met his classmates from junior high school in the toilet.

"Shu Jiabao!" The other party stared at the person in the mirror carefully twice before daring to identify it out loud. As the saying goes, a girl changes her age in her eighteenth year. She really didn't expect that Shu Jiabao, who looked ordinary in school at that time, turned into a This is the case today.

"Didn't you say in the group that you wouldn't come? Why did you come anyway?" The girl who spoke turned around and looked at Shu Jiabao, "It just so happened that we just started eating not long ago, and you still have time to go over now." Shu Jiabao twisted

. I looked at the person in front of me with my brows and carefully identified him for a while, but finally I didn't recognize him.


"Who is it?"

She looked at the unfamiliar face in front of her, a little confused, and really didn't feel that she had any impression.

But the only thing he knew was that the other person should be his junior high school classmate, but there were so many junior high school classmates that Shu Jiabao really didn't remember much.

A few days ago, someone in the junior high school classmates did initiate a party, but Shu Jiabao ignored it. The middle school years were not very good for her. At that time, she did not know how rich her family was, and her parents threw her into an aristocratic school. Then he turned around and told her that the tuition fee was borrowed from someone at home, and asked her to study hard, take classes well, and not let her family down.

So Shu Jiabao spent the entire middle school years under great pressure.

In addition, the other classmates in the class all came from well-off families, so she became the only outlier in the class.

The feeling of being isolated is not pleasant, and Shu Jiabao still feels sad when he thinks about this experience.

"I'm not here for a class reunion."

She took a step back unhappily, showing a distant look.

But at this moment, another girl walked in outside the toilet. This person obviously recognized Shu Jiabao. The two of them couldn't help but take the person back to the box, saying that they wanted to meet their old classmates. Now everyone is in various walks of life. There have been considerable achievements in all walks of life.

It was as if the resistance on Shu Jiabao's face was completely invisible.

Several people pulled and pulled, and Shen Yi appeared at the door of the toilet at some unknown time.

"Xiao Shu?"

When she saw Shu Jiabao being crowded and pulled by two girls, she didn't react for a moment: "What are you...?"

Could it be that he had incurred some peach blossom debts outside her back?

Shen Yi's first reaction was this.

She had never experienced such a scene before, and she only felt shocked and incredible, but soon realized that she was overthinking it.

How could the reaction on Shu Jiabao's face be similar to that of these two girls? Besides...the other party has spent all the free time with him in the past two years. He is tired of being in bed, so how can he have so much free time to mess with her? Someone else.

Although he didn't know who these two people were, Shen Yi had eyes. The only thing he knew clearly was that the two girls were pulling Shu Jiabao to make each other uncomfortable.

——These two people are pulling her back.

Thinking of this, Shen Yi's whole aura suddenly changed. Even the two girls who were noisy and in high spirits couldn't help but look sideways at her.

She did nothing, just stood there and looked at the two girls coldly: "Let me go."

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