Chapter one

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No one pov

Jennie pulled the shutters of the windows closed to keep the smell in. It had happened. The Omega heat. She had always known she was going to be one, despite her friends and family insisting that she had no way of knowing until she came of age. 

They told her that she was being a silly worry wart, that omegas are extremly rare, and that there hadn't been an Omega born to the family for many generations.

For the last 10 years or so she had been filled with a sense of foreboding and fear. Being hyperaware of her surroundings at all times, she always had a back-up plan in her head. Though truth be told, there would be nothing that she could do if the heat hit her while she was in the middle of a large crowd. Still, she had made preparations "just in case".

She was lucky that she was at home, and alone when it happened. Her father and brother were at the tavern taking in a delivery of mead while her mother was out shopping. She knew it would not be long before her overwhelming scent leaked out of the house to the noses of her neighbors. It was many of her alpha neighbors that she feared being claimed by.

For all the talk about only the most worthy alphas claiming omegas, the truth is luck and proximity are just as important factors as brute strength. The men and women in this part of the city were of the low born and less civilized variety, and Jennie did have aspirations to be more than just a tavern wench.

The best warriors, the wealthiest and most successful nobles always gathered this time of day at the sparing arena to show their fighting skills and share this with the royal family. Omegas have no say in who will be their alpha. They are fought over like a prize, a piece of property.

 In this way Jennie knew that ultimately she had no control over this situation. By the end of the day today, her maidenhead will be taken by a complete stranger, she will be this person's property, and she will be pregnant. However, this did not stop Jennie from trying to at least sway the odds in her favor.

Quickly Jennie bathed her body, and put braids in her hair. She went to her closet and pulled out the simple white gown that was supposed to be her wedding dress. This would be her only chance to wear it as Omegas don't wear white for bonding ceremonies. White wedding dresses are reserved for virginal non-omega brides. Omegas wear a deep red burgundy color to formal bonding ceremonies, which always take place after the claim has been made and the omega is already beset with a child.

Thinking on it now, she did not understand what the point was of even having a formal bonding ceremony.  Her long dark brown (almost black) hair reaches her waist. Her brown cat-like eyes are stark and stunning. She looked exotic for an Aesir, with her oval face, milky skin, and rose petal lips. She was short but with pleasing curves. Quite simply, a remarkable beauty worthy of a noble.

She had to hurry. Voices outside her home told her that her scent was starting to attract attention. She quickly stuffed plugs into her ears to deafen herself. Omegas cannot refuse an order from an Alpha, but technically she is not disobeying if she can't hear them. The last thing she wants to happen is to hear someone order her to stop running. She ties a sash around her waist. She will need this later. She runs through the breezeway between her home and the stall where her horse is located, and she is spotted. Damn! No time to saddle up. Several lusty alphas shout and point at the stable as she runs by. There is a crowd forming in the street.

As she feared, she recognizes many of the people from her street, several of whom she knew to be possessive, abusive drunkards that would make her life a living hell if any one of them claimed her. She dares to hope that she will find someone loving today. She opens the stall for her beautiful brown mare and quickly jumps on its back. Just then the front doors of the stable burst open to a lustful angry mob and Jennie charges her mare forward.

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