Chapter four [ M ]

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Chaeyoung looks down at Jennie's limp body. The brunette seems almost asleep, murmuring her name in her daze. Her eyes are closed. Another wave of guilt overcomes Chaeyoung.

What was she thinking? Chaeyoung has always considered herself a generous and considerate lover, even when she is rough and dominating. Her mother was right to be angry, though she is loathed to admit it. This girl, whoever she is, she chose her.

She chose Chaeyoung over Doyoung. She chose Chaeyoung over practically every other Alpha in Metel. All the years of being ignored by women had hardened Chaeyoung 's heart. There had been omega's that had gone into heat in the palace. Each of them trying desperately to get Doyoung 's attention, hoping he would fight to claim them.

Doyoung has refused each and every one of them, and not one of them had turned a beseeching eye to Chaeyoung. She was the forgotten Princess. Even if any of them had, Chaeyoung would have turned them down anyway. She has too much pride to be anyone's second choice. So why did she run from this girl?

She has a moment of clarity about herself. She is being ridiculous. She has been jealous of Doyoung for years. Her reasons for jealousy are many, but in this specific instance her jealousy of the wide array of women at Doyoung 's beck and call that have never given Chaeyoung any consideration. Now the beautiful, graceful, elegant creature laid out before her rejected her brother in front of the entire kingdom in preference for her.

She realizes what the brunette represents. She is a new form of commitment and responsibility. Chaeyoung is purposefully creating a child with a woman whom she knows nothing about. What if she does not like her? Subjugated to her, though the omega may be, Chaeyoung will still have to sleep with her in her bed every night. It's the law. No wonder Doyoung has refused to claim so many omegas.

Chaeyoung sits on the edge of the bed and leans over Jennie. She takes time to undress herself and do the same to her omega. Chaeyoung can't help but admire the beauty before her. The bruntte's breasts are plump, perky, and perfect. Her nipples are small, the color of pencil erasers. Her body is to die for, but the expression of agonizing aching need etched into her face calls Chaeyoung to action.

She kisses Jennie and enters her quickly, rocking in and out of her slowly at first. the omega is so deep in her fever now, she is nearly unconscious. Chaeyoung almost thought her asleep until she started murmuring the princess's name again as she pumped in and out of her.

Chaeyoung quickens the pace knowing her fever will not break until she finds her release. Chaeyoung finds herself struggling to hold back her orgasm; the brunette's womb is so tight, so hot, so slick. Chaeyoung finds herself wishing to utter the brunette's name. If only she had the presence of mind to ask her earlier.

"Oh my angel, oh gods...." Chaeyoung pants, breathless, almost whimpering as she goes. She nuzzles her head into the crook of her neck, drinking in her scent. The faster Chaeyoung sets her pace the more aware Jennie becomes. She opens her eyes, her mind still in a fog. Chaeyoung is on top of her, rutting her.

"Princess Chaeyoung", Jennie whispers. Chaeyoung meets her gaze. Jennie becomes aware of all the sensations of her body. The deep pungent scent of her lover, the movements taking place in her secret place, the sweatiness of her body, and a deep deep hunger within her body for seed.

"What's your name?" Chaeyoung murmurs in her ear, not slowing her movements.

"Jennie." She says softly.

"Jennie." Chaeyoung repeats. Her name is like honey wine on her lips. Chaeyoung starts babbling her name over and over again. Jennie feels the tension building inside her. Chaeyoung's member starts to swell large within her, stretching full. "Ahhhahh, Chaeyoung!" Jennie cries out as the pain and pleasure overwhelms her. With that Jennie's womb shudders around Chaeyoung's hardness, and Chaeyoung's knot gushes forth all that she has to give.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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