S01E05 Society to a T(ea) - Part 2

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Cynthia: "(...?! That lady...! It's that lady who gave the speech about society...)"
Tara: "That's odd. Didn't you notice?"
Penelope: "N-notice what?"
Tara: "That this simpleton was trying to break an important rule of Pokemon battling being the risk of severely injuring this trainers' Garchomp?"
Ethan: "(She acts so calm, but her voice goes through walls.)"
Morgan: "Wha' givers?! Such a 'ough Pokemon shoul' be 'rea'ed more bru'ally, y'know?! Ain' 'hat one of yer folks catchphrases?!"
Tara: "You dare speak so crully about an opponents' Pokemon? Despite the awareness that you'd break the law? Or aren't you?"
Morgan: (Spiteful) "...I 'idn't know..."
Tara: "Now you do. However, since your action was out of malice, you shall be disqualified and these 2 trainers have won the battle."
Ethan: "Eh...?"
Cynthia: "Oh... well, thank you."

The crowd loudly cheered to celebrate Ethan & Cynthia's victory.

Audience member: "Wow! That was so amazing!"
Audience member: "That kid definitely has something to him."
Audience member: "Never believed someone could be so capable with a Spearow!"
Spearow: *Lands on Ethan's stretched out arm*
Ethan: "Wow. You warmed up to me fast, Spearow. It's like I taught my pet bird a new trick. *Giggle*"
Spearow: *Looks away*
Ethan: "Not funny? Or are you salty about the result?"
Spearow: "Hm..."
Ethan: "A win is a win, buddy. See that as a warm-up if you don't see it as real battle."
Spearow: "... *Gets closer to Ethan and nudges him too hard with his beak*"
Ethan: "Ow. My cheek..."
Cynthia: "It's the opponents' fault to resort to illegal tactics."
Tara: "You 2!"
Both: "Yes? (Yikes, her glare!)"
Tara: "You are Champion Cynthia, right?"
Cynthia: "That's true. Why are you asking? (Does she want an autograph?)"
Tara: "What is your committing? I remember we haven't sent extra invitations to champions."
Cynthia: (Slightly awkward) "Well, we came across your tournament by chance and it sounded exciting nonetheless."
Tara: "But was it really necessary to trespass into my property?"
Ethan: "...!"
Cynthia: "I-I...!"

A suited man similar to the guard appeared behind Tara. He guarded Rosa, Lyra, Wally & N.

Ethan: "Can we talk about this...?"
Tara: "Better be. We'll discuss this. Later."
Penelope: "You can enjoy the rest of the festival. We'll pick you up later. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask."
Cynthia: "Thank you, Ms. Haull."
Penelope: "Please, call me Penelope. It's a pleasure meeting a champion in person outside my home region."
Rosa: "Can we go now? I need to find Tynamo..."
Penelope: "Oh, now that you mention, Ms. Rosa. *Searches through her bag* Is this little Tynamo by any chance yours?"
Rosa: "Tynamo! I'm so happy that you're ok!"
Tynamo: "Tyna!"

The trainers enjoyed the rest of the festival, despite an evil glare following them. Tara kept a serious look on the group, which unsettled a few.

Wally: (Whispering) "Sh-she's so scary!"
Cynthia: "I know. She has this aura, like she desperately desires to be above us. I admit, she seems sophisticated and regal, but also so... aggressive."
Garchomp: "..."
Cynthia: "Even you feel uneasy about her, but perhaps she's just this 'doesn't tolerate nonsense' type."
Rosa: "*Stuffing cake into her mouth* Yeah. Maybe she's just *nom* *nom* really serious. *nom* *nom* *nom*"
Ethan: "I wonder how she battles. I'm sure she's powerful!"
Lyra: "What about you, N?"
N: "Actually, I'm more interested in her so-called 'right hand'. Penelope, was it?"
Cynthia: "Yes, and she begs the question, why she's with someone like Tara..."
Ethan: "Look, Rosa!"
Rosa: "Hm? Oh! She has a Reuniclus!"
Ethan: "And?"
Rosa: "Hmm... *concentrates* And... they're both cute?"
Ethan: "Haven't we met her before?"
Rosa: "Wait! You're right! Wasn't it in that festival near Highmill Bay, when we first met? Has been a long time now, hasn't it?"
Ethan: "It hasn't even been a week..."
Rosa: "Right. Anyway, I've actually been wondering if we've seen Ms. Deathstare before."
Ethan: "Now that you mention it... WOAH!"
Wally: "Ah! I-I'm so sorry, Ethan! I didn't see you! Are you hurt...?"
Cynthia: "I could ask you the same... is that a cut on your left hand?"
Wally: "Y-yes... *Sigh* Must've cut myself from the paper when I picked up a name-card."
Cynthia: "Here. Let me treat you-"
Wally: "N-no! No, thank you. I want to... I want to treat it myself. There is a first aid kit in the bathroom. I-I'll be back. *Goes to the bathroom*"
Cynthia: "Poor child..."
Ethan: "Agreed. He really is shy. But Rosa and I often hang out with him and help getting confident! Right, Rosa-?"
Rosa: "Hm? *Turns around with some poffins in her mouth*"
Ethan: "Never mind."
???: "Worthless thing!"
N: "...?!"

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