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"Can I come in ?" He asked

You waited a few seconds before finally opening the door to let him in, when he entered he saw your untidy bed and a pile of clothes next to it

He looked around and wondered how in such a short amount of time you could've caused this much mess

"What do you want ?" You asked as you sat down on your bed

Gojo stretched before making his way up to you

"I wanted to give you this" he searched through his pocket and pulled out a pair of glasses

You looked at it in a perplexed way

"What am I supposed to do with them ?" You asked clearly not understanding this 'gift'

"Well you don't remember what we talked about at my place ? That I wanted to give you glasses for the exchange event with my own cursed energy" he answered dumbfounded at your sudden loss of memory

You seemed angry at his answer

"Why would I go to the exchange event now that you have Yuta with you? I don't want to be a bait" your tone clearly showed that you were pissed at what he said

His eyes widened at your reaction

"You're not being a bait come on" he said in a joking way

"Well then just leave me alone ok?" You started raising your voice which pushed Gojo into trying to calm things down

"Listen you're gonna stop with the attitude ok ? You are at fault for what happened here, so don't start blaming me for leaving you" he said as he also started getting annoyed. he then added

"if you didn't lie to me we wouldn't be here, cause I understand now how you work. You mess up and then you start getting angry at people when they show you the consequences of your own stupidity" he then sighed before turning around to calm himself

For a few minutes there was only silence filling the room it almost felt like you could hear your own heart beat

"I thought you were different..." you mumbled as you lowered your head

Gojo slightly turned his head waiting for you to explain your statement

"I thought you were different from my mom... always thinking that I mess things up on purpose... as if... as if I wasn't trying my hardest" your voice was shaky

For a second he felt bad for what he told you, he turned around and made his way to your bed

As he sat down next to you, you clenched your fist trying to contain yourself

"Look... I didn't come here to lecture you ok? I don't want to fight with you or to be on bad terms" his tone was empathetic which calmed you down a little

3 AM | S.Gojo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now