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I rose from my sleeping bag with a smile. It's finally time. I dressed back into my combat attire, went into the cafeteria, and ate a breakfast that was sure to give me plenty of energy to fight. Oatmeal with berries, toast with almond butter, and a few fried eggs.

I entered the locker room and retrieved my bow and quiver, strapping both around my back for the time being.

I saw Ruby and Yang retrieving their weapons, so I approached them.

Me: Are you as excited as I am for this? I mean, I've been itching for a fight since I got here.

Yang: Hell yeah, I'm excited! I'm always ready to punch something in the face!

Ruby: Good morning, Y/n. Normally, I'd be excited about this, but the team situation has me worried.

Me: Ah, it'll be fine. Ideally, you'll end up on a team with me or your sister, but even if we don't end up together, we'll still be friends; that much won't change. Just give it your all, and your teammates will like you just fine.

Ruby smiled as she sheathed her weapon behind her back and closed her locker.

Ruby: Thanks, Y/n. That makes me feel better.

We talked for a short while longer before we were called out to begin initiation.

Now, I wasn't quite sure what the challenge would be. I knew that it would involve combat against Grimm, but I didn't know to what extent it would be.

Being launched into a forest and forced to find our way to the mission area was not what I expected, but this challenge seemed to be a great first glance into the life of a hunter.

Lost, unsure of your location, and separated from teammates, the mission area is filled with Grimm. Figure out where you are, find your teammates, kill any Grimm along the way, and complete the mission.

It's about as close to a SERE situation as you can get. In our line of work, stuff like this is going to happen. Giving us a hands-on exam is a very good way to see if we're ready for this job.

However, not all of us saw this for what it was, namely Ruby, who immediately forgot my advice from earlier and shouted in surprise.

Team generation wasn't based on how well we'd work together, but our partners would be based on who we made eye contact with first once we hit the ground.

I always rise to a challenge, so this was going to be fun for me.

One boy didn't quite seem to understand the situation, though. Asking questions about how we'd get down, not realizing that the things we stood on were launch pads, even as the other people were being launched.

I braced for my turn and was launched through the air. I skydived for a short period before I saw my opportunity to land. A nice clearing with a few trees in the middle.

I pulled my bow off of my back and broke it into swords, using them to slice into the tree to slow my fall and go into a roll to break it completely.

As my roll ended, I reconnected my bow and nocked an arrow. I aimed around the clearing, looking for anything that might've heard my landing, but the coast seemed to be clear, so I loosened my grip and let the string return to its relaxed position. I left the arrow nocked so I could loose it at a moment's notice.

I looked at the sun to find which direction to go. The sun rises in the east, and it's still morning time, so to my left is the north.

I nodded to myself and started running north. The outer edge of the forest was that way, so it seemed to be the best decision.

Along with the Dragons (RWBY x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin