Yule ball

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Jade threw a popcorn into her mouth, "Ask away we got a loooong time"

"Why am I dating Draco?"

"Really that because normally the first question would be 'I'm gay?'"

Harry shrugged, "I already knew I was bi so answer my first question."

Jade smirks and pulled a Rhea, "Nah I'm good you can figure it out yourself ."

Harry rolls his eyes, "Next possibility, what if I decided not to keep my relationship a secret?"

She snapped her fingers and Harry found himself in his fourth year dorm and body.

"Harry mate I'm serious just ask one of the twins. I'm sure Fred would be more than happy to go with you." Ron suggested.

Hermione smacked him on the head with a book, "Honestly Ronald focus on your self plus we all know Harry likes Cedric."

Harry blushed and folded his arms like a fussy
toddler, "I do not"

Hermione rolled her eyes , "Whatever you say but you two can ask the patil twins."

"Sure what ever" Harry mumbled as he walked out .

"Guess who?" A familiar voice said covering his eyes.

"Ced!" Harry shouts playfully.

Cedric gave Harry a peck on the lips, "I know you wanted to keep our relationship a secret but I really wanna go with you to the ball"

Harry found himself saying, "Absolutely " after all if he didn't that would defeat the purpose of this timeline.

He walked back to the Gryffindor common room feeling like nothing could go wrong.

Future time!

And again Harry found himself in the hospital ward.

"Harry!" Hermione lunged at Harry.

"Mione" Harry choked "Can't breathe"

"Oh sorry"

"Finally mate! Diggory's been worried."

Madam Pomfrey walked in, "You can go mr potter but next time refrain from climbing trees."

They laughed and waved goodbye.

As soon as he walked out Harry received another bone crushing huh from Cedric.

"Do you and mione have some competition to choke me"

They laughed again.

"Anyway who wants to go to Hogsmead? on me." Harry asked cheerily

Cedric ruffled his hair, "Glad to have you back"

Snap! And Harry was back in the void. The sight he was greeted with: Jade playing Minecraft.

"Any questions?" She turned to face the chosen one, "You're crying?"

Harry wiped his eyes, "I'm not woman get your glasses on."

She put on her glasses, "Still looks like you're crying to me."

"Then those glasses are broken. Besides, why was Cedric still alive?"

"Obviously by deciding to not make your relationship public that was a significant difference in the graveyard that extra bit of love helped you protect him like your mum did for you." She stated matter-o-factly.

"Why did you say obviously in snapes voice"

"Is that seriously all you got from that?"

"Now you're using my dead godfather's name as a pun?" He pointed a finger at her accusingly , "You're trynna give me trauma flashbacks at aren't you?"

"No! I didn't do it on purpose?"

Harry sighed, "So you're telling me that little bit made a significant difference?"


"How much more realities am I gonna go through?"

Jade shrugs, tilts her head and smirks, "That the fun part: I do not know."

"Perfect," replied Harry sacarstically .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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