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"Aahhh, why did I ever agree to this?!" I exclaimed, terrified at what was about to happen.

"It's for your own good," a voice said in the darkness.

My arms were being held behind my back, and I screamed, "No, NO! NO!!"

A putride scent filled the air around me and I felt sick. I literally felt like I was going to throw up. How could this happen? How could I let this happen? I can't do this. I can't do this.

"I can't do this!" I exclaimed, thrashing around, trying to get my arms freed. "I CAN'T DO THIS!"

"Woah, woah. Elaine, calm down!" My perpetrator let my arms free, and a light switch was flipped on.

I dropped to the ground and panted. "I can't, Charlie."

"That's fine, we can try the pineapple pizza trial another time."

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