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   "What? We can't move?" Charlie asked.

   "Shh, no," I whispered. "The point of hide and seek is to hind in an unfindable location and make sure you're not caught. Moving would give you away."

   "Oh, right. Wait, why are we both hiding in this same tree again?"

   "We both got here at the same time, and there was an awkward 'what do we do?' moment, so here we are now."

   "Huh, cool."

   "I HEAR VOICES!" a loud voice boomed from the ground.

   I quickly covered Charlie and my own mouths quickly. Heck, I knew climbing a tree was a bad idea. Suddenly, there was a bang, and the tree shook a little. A moment later, another bang. This is the day I die. I closed my eyes as there was one last bang before Charlie and I fell from the tree and landed on the ground.

   "HA, found you two!" exclaimed Deya, standing over us with a proud and smug look on her face.

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