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   The police siren was heard and caused everyone in the immediate area to make room. The police zoomed through the streets, hot on a speeding car's tail. Deya, Charlie, and I watched the intense chase closely. My friends were betting on the car escaping, but I thought otherwise. Knowing the people in power here, the cop is going to win. We continued to watch the police car following close behind the speedster, but then something unexpected happened. The police took a turn down a different street. My friends and I were confused. What happened there? I was about to say that my friends were right, but then at the end of the speeding car's path, the police returned! The speedster swerved and crashed into a trashcan by the side of the road. The policeman approached the driver.

   "Richard Daughtson, you have detention for running out of my office while I was speaking to you!" exclaimed Principle Henson. The man then grabbed Richard's arm and lead him back to the office.

   "Oh man," I said. "That was crazy. And of course Henson won."

   "Elaine was right? That's a first." Charlie said.

   "You're damn right I'm right, now pay up." My friends each handed me a dollar.

   "Come on guys, Henson's busy, now's our chance to get started with the plan." Deya grabbed me and Charlie's hands then lead us to the stairwell that goes down to the basement.

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