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When It Hurts So Bad

Ophelia was woken up to Meredith shouting at someone from down the hall, and she seemed pissed.

"Get out! Go! Get out!" She yelled, "Just get out! Please, just get out!"

The Latina pried Amelia's arms off of her, walked out of her room, definitely not wearing Amelia's jumper, to see a half-naked man walking out of Meredith's room, Maggie in front of him.

"What is going on?" Maggie demanded.

"I-I don't know, she just started screaming." He saud, fumbling for a response.

"Why are you here? Why is she screaming?" Maggie demanded again, hitting him.

"What the hell happened, Thorpe?" Ophelia said angrily, approaching the two after having sorted her messy hair.

"Get him out of here!"

"What did you do?" Maggie said, hitting him again.

"Nothing! God, no, nothing. We were sleeping. I was sleeping, and then the screaming. I-"

"Mer?" Maggie said, trying to open the door to her room, "Mer, are you okay?"

"What's happening?" A voice from behind them said, and Ophelia turned to see her girlfriend standing there.

"Get him out of here." Maggie said, gesturing to Thorpe behind her.

"Who's he?" Amelia said as she walkee forward slightly, making sure that there was a distance between him and Ophelia, seeing as she couldn't get Maggie away from the door.

"Look, just for the record, I didn't do anything." Thorpe said.

"Get him out of here!" Meredith cried out again.

"My shoes are in there-"

"Get out!" They all cried.

They all watched as Thorpe made his way down the hall and descended the stairs, leaving the house. Ophelia took deep breaths, trying to stop the sudden nausea that overcame her.

"Mer? Mer, he's gone." Maggie said, against the door, "Can you please open the door? I am worried about you, I want to know that you're okay."

The door swung open, revealing a very dishevelled Meredith. "Is he gone?"

"Yeah. Yeah, he's gone." Maggie assured her, and Meredith shut the door again before she could say more.

Ophelia couldn't hold back her nausea anymore, rushing past Amelia and Maggie to the bathroom, proceeding to throw the contents of her stomach up.


"She can't stay locked in there all day." Amelia told them. The three of the had now migrated downstairs, Ophelia lying with her head on the table as she tried to overcome her sudden stomach bug, "She has to come down some time."

"Do you think she wants food or just coffee, or not coffee?" Maggie asked, "What if she wants tea? Tea is more soothing."

"What do we know about this guy?" Amelia asked.

•Far Away• ♡amelia shepherd♡ *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now