chapter 1: part : I

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the ending of common era

It was heavily raining outside. That was a dark night, thundering. storming and often i heard the calling of wolves but Suddenly.
All lights of my house started blinking I was alone in my home. I came there 3 months ago for studing. As it was Raining outside so naturally I've closed all the windows but when the lights started blinking from nowhere a silhouette stood outside of the window while is straight in front of my sofa where I was sitting.

I was afraid so much that the hot coffee mug fell from my hand and hit my right foot and as it was made of glass my foot started bleeding. But then everything went perfect. With a sudden noise I opened my eyes. I found myself on my bed , it was just a dream. I was tried to get up and as a habit I gave my right foot first, the moment it hits the floor, my foot starts painting.

I gave a glance to my foot and found it was wounded just like the dream . I wonder if it's true .But suddenly, I heard someone crying downstairs. t thought it would be my servant. so I endure my pain , and continued down the stairs but it's not ending and suddenly I realized someone is behind me .I turned back , but there was nobody.

but shadow, that falls on me . thinking it's my shadow o moved towards but it feels like something is pulling me towards it. I looked behind again. but there there was that shado5. suddenly my eyes fell on the stairs and I found my own shadow, than I hurriedly looked back, than there was neither any shadow in the rrom nor any noise , even the sobbing was stopped.

I suddenly realise that there is nobody in my house else than me. then I went back to my room, I change my days ,going to the pharmacy for some medicine farmer foot. walking while thinking of South Korea , my mother land, suddenly, Bell of cycle rang behind me waking me up from my dream I realized, that I am not in South Korea I am in Netherland .

I went to the pharmacy. "has Dr.Sam arrived?" I asked with a broken voice. the receptionist nodded and turned his head towards the cabin, to make me understand that yes,he has arrived you may go. so I went to the cabin. Dr ask me " oh miss kim yian - chu what happened to you now?" " a hot coffee mug of glass fell on my right foot yesterday " showing him my wound I said " oh God you such a careless person! ,do you know how much ch will it hurt you if you do dressing?" he said . " AHEM AHEM " with fake cough I ignored his words .

" I think you need to do your work ; Don't you?" I am not a rude person, I said this just to avoid this gaze on my face . when he was doing my dressing,it hurts I mention that it hurts but it do not hurts more than the unsocial words, I got lost in my past . i still can remember then when I was just in standard 1 , I thought everyone around me was my friends specially LIN - YU and KIM SE-RIAN we were best friends from rosebud to class 7, but in class 8 I worth nothing to them , when I was a bit older means at the of Standard 8 or 9, i realise that all of them right just two- faced for my dad is rich, so for this I didn't have any friends from class 8 onwards, and scored best among them.

For this to understand what's going on someone's mind , I am studying psychology "completed " said Dr. Sam, pulling me out of my past. " OK " - I said while getting up. purchasing the medicine and giving the doctor's fees in counter I left .

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