chapter I :part II

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The way to home everything was  alright. But the moment my feet falls on the house floor, out of nowhere a fragrance of burning started coming from the kitchenette. I rushef to see what's going on there but there was nothing. But the fragrance was still coming. Idk from where 5-8  black crows came . I somehow managed to drive those things out of my house .

Time passed

It's the tome for my nap. I slept peacefully but then i woke up while sensing someone's skin, when i woke up i couldn't stop my eyes from getting wide as i was not in my bed  i was lying beside a dead body in a grqve which ks open . I thought It's a dream so i pinched myself. But it was truuuuuuu.

The dead body was of the  man whose shadow i saw that stormy night, suddenly the man opened his eyes , i was way too much afraid that when i tried to   move my back head got smash with the edge of the grave . i touched my backhead , it was bleeding heavily. I groaned in pain ................................................

But the only sound i heard is the echo of my own voice . i shouted for help , nobody came esle then my voice .suddenly i heard some footsteps, i thought for a while  that it might be my mistake cause who in this hour would like to come at any place like this bug back the moment when i looked kut from the grave s man here 
An he was ....................

He was horrified to see me as if I've went in his house when he is not well-dressed , or wearing any masks that is not showable to others . I said in a quite annoyed, and joke tone :what are doing here ?have you came here to bury youself ? "
Idk y he was so much panicked after hearing the 2nd statement of mine . he said while shuttering  : i-i-i-i wa- was- i was -ju- just -going- from -here" " SPEAK PROPERLY"

I shouted . it looks like he somehow gathered his courage and said :" the same question i can also ask you "" i was talking nap and when i open my eyes i was here beside the soulless fellow "
I said while looking at him aand pointing to the soulless man
He questioned. I turned back . but shocking thing is that this that there was nothing but old leaves and twigs . i was literally shocked

"Tell me where is it ?"
He said . Suddenly i noticed a small scratch mark on his nack which was looking exactly the same as the mark on the dead body's neck. I didn't said anything, just went the way of my house. When i looked back he wasn't there , nowhere , i wondered that i have just covered a very small distance , even where he was standing there were lots of dry leaves  , if he moved it must make sound.

Sorry guys i couldn't write more  🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

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