"The Hunt for Hyejin Begins"

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A year had passed since the harrowing encounter with Hyejin, and Taehyung and Yuri had grown even closer. They had weathered the storm of Hyejin's obsession, and while Taehyung's true identity as a mafia boss had been revealed to Yuri, their love remained unshaken. Yuri had chosen to stand by Taehyung, unaware of the danger that still lurked.

They had found solace in the peaceful moments of their life together, believing that Hyejin had disappeared from their lives for good. But little did they know that Hyejin's obsession had only deepened during her absence, and she was plotting her revenge with renewed determination.

One gloomy evening, as Taehyung and Yuri walked hand in hand through a quiet park, they noticed an unsettling presence lurking in the shadows. It was Hyejin, her eyes filled with a malevolent gleam.

Before they could react, Hyejin stepped forward, a sinister smile playing on her lips. "You thought you could escape me, didn't you?" she hissed, her voice dripping with venom.

Taehyung instinctively moved to shield Yuri from Hyejin's menacing presence. "Hyejin, we told you to stay away," he warned, his voice firm.

But Hyejin was beyond reason. She had become consumed by her obsession with Taehyung and her desire to exact revenge on Yuri. She lunged at them, a knife glinting in her hand.

In the chaos that followed, Taehyung skillfully disarmed Hyejin and subdued her, ensuring she couldn't harm them. With the help of nearby pedestrians who had witnessed the attack, they called the authorities, and Hyejin was arrested once again.

As Hyejin was taken away in handcuffs, she cast a chilling gaze at Taehyung and Yuri. "This isn't over," she hissed, her words a haunting promise of future torment.

Taehyung and Yuri were left shaken by the encounter, realizing that Hyejin's obsession with them had reached a dangerous and unpredictable level. They knew they needed to take additional precautions to protect their safety.

Taehyung chose to shield Yuri from the harsh reality of his mafia world, not wanting to burden her with the knowledge of the dangers that surrounded him. He had been living a double life, and he was determined to keep Yuri safe, even if it meant keeping her in the dark about certain aspects of his life.

As they returned home that evening, Taehyung held Yuri close, his heart heavy with the secrets he carried. He knew that he had to find a way to keep Hyejin at bay without exposing Yuri to the dangerous world he inhabited.

Their extraordinary journey had taken them through the darkest of challenges, and now, they faced the threat of Hyejin's revenge with Yuri still unaware of the true extent of Taehyung's hidden life. Taehyung was resolved to protect the love they shared, even if it meant confronting the danger that lurked in the shadows alone.

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