"A Pivotal Conversation"

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With the weight of his intentions bearing down on him, Taehyung knew he had to approach Mr. Kang ('Lucifer') for permission to marry Yuri. This was a crucial step in their relationship, a gesture of respect and recognition of the deep connection he shared with both Yuri and her father.

The conversation was one of the most challenging moments Taehyung had ever faced. As he stood before Mr. Kang, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. He knew the complexities of their lives and the shadows that hung over them, but he was determined to pave the path to a brighter future with Yuri.

"Mr. Kang," Taehyung began, his voice carrying a mixture of sincerity and nervousness, "I've known Yuri for a long time, and my love for her has only grown stronger with each passing day. She means everything to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I'm here to ask for your permission to marry her."

Mr. Kang regarded Taehyung with a steady, unreadable gaze. For a moment, he didn't respond, and the silence between them seemed to stretch on indefinitely. Taehyung's heart pounded in his chest as he anxiously waited for a reply, aware of the complexities of his relationship with Mr. Kang.

Finally, Mr. Kang sighed, his expression conflicted. "Taehyung, you have no idea how much Yuri means to me. She's my daughter, and I've always wanted the best for her. Given our lives and the dangers that surround us, I can't deny that I'm concerned about what the future holds. But I've also seen the love and dedication you have for her. I've witnessed the hardships you've faced together."

Taehyung nodded, his gratitude evident in his eyes. "I understand your concerns, Mr. Kang. I promise that I'll do everything in my power to protect and cherish Yuri. We've faced so much together, and I'll continue to stand by her side, no matter what."

There was another pause, and Mr. Kang seemed lost in thought. His love for Yuri was unwavering, and he knew that the decision he made would significantly impact her happiness. Finally, he spoke, his tone gentler, "Taehyung, if this is what Yuri wants, and if it's what will make her truly happy, then I can't stand in your way. You have my blessing."

Taehyung's eyes glistened with emotion as he felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over him. "Thank you, Mr. Kang. I promise to be the best husband I can be for Yuri. Your blessing means the world to me."

Mr. Kang smiled faintly, the weight of his approval evident. "Just remember, Taehyung, that my daughter is everything to me. Take good care of her, and ensure that she always has love, happiness, and safety in her life."

With Mr. Kang's blessing secured, Taehyung felt a renewed sense of determination. The path to proposing to Yuri was now paved with the promise of a brighter future, where their love would shine even more brilliantly. As he prepared for the momentous proposal, he knew that their journey had been marked by trials and triumphs, and he was more than ready to embrace the challenges and joys that lay ahead as they embarked on the next chapter of their lives together.

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