Rulers of the Underworld

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Choi Seungcheol.Yoon Jeonghan.Criminal masterminds.Rival teams but oh god were they similar.The same authoritative energy when they spoke, the ability to stay calm under pressure, how they effortlessly executed murders, they were the same down to the way they had innocent faces with not so innocent intentions not to forget their ability to seduce anybody regardless of their gender. They both knew of each other but never had the opportunity to meet in person.Until one day....................

Their first meeting is what I'd call Destiny.It was obvious from the beginning destiny wasnt going to be kind to them afterall two very prominent mafia leaders meeting just to see who could kill each other first.Good thing they were smart enough to realize they were being played as puppets.

"Yoon Jeonghan." 

"Choi Seungcheol." 



 "Not as much as you though."

 "Please you flatter me."

From that moment everything was going to change that was obvious.The whole team was terrified but guess who was the most surprised at seeing them walking together. None other than Mr. Lee Hansung. 

The filthy rich politician who wanted to see jeonghan and seungcheol make a fool of themselves.Hansung thought,"Better just prepare for my death", taking a pistol from his drawer. 

"Oh not so soon Mr.Director,what a shame your show turned out to be a complete flop", said Jeonghan.

"Jeonghan, we are the main stars of this show it can never be a flop only a blockbuster....Literally",told Seungcheol as he loaded his gun and took aim and in just a second Lee hansung's lifeless body lay down on the floor.

Jeonghan considered himself a pretty good shooter but this Seungcheol was just on another level. His aim was precise and with just the right amount of energy required. Jeonghan felt his thoughts wander as he found himself staring Seungcheol's porcelain white skin with those veiny hands wrapped around the gun. He thought of how it would look wrapped around him.

"Jeonghan...........Yoon Jeonghan,let's not get so obsessed with me already hahaha.",Seungcheol said to remove Jeonghan out of the trance he was in.Even as he said this he couldn't help but stare at the ethereal beauty standing in front of him.With those chains around his neck perfectly resting on his prominent collarbones and that hairtie that was pulling his hair,Seungcheol was jealous of those necklaces and hairtie.

"Now who's staring?"

 "Not me"

 "Sure sure I believe you cheollieeeee"

 "I believe my name is Seungcheol and not whatever you just called me"

 "Omg cheollie are you offended" *Damn this boy is cute*

 "Not at all hannieeeee"

 "EWWWWWWWWWWW. Geez let's just stop this already." 

"Now who's offended"

 "You know what lets just go"

*yoon jeonghan what are you doing to me*         

*choi seungcheol you will be the end of me*

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