Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my room cooling off from training when I noticed a faint glow coming from my closet. I immediately grabbed my sword and I slowly approached my closet. I opened the doors to find a giant swerving portal in the middle of my closet. I poked the portal with my foot. It immediately began to suck me in. I immediately grabbed my bag closest to me and I held on for dear life as I was sucked in.
A few minutes later I landed in the outside of an abandoned subway station. I slowly stood up and I looked around. I noticed my sword and bag had landed a few feet away from me. I grabbed them and I put my sword away. I decided to look around. I walked into the abandoned station and I noticed a couch, an old TV, and a tire swing. "This can't be real." I whispered to myself as I went over to the couch. Before I could touch anything I heard footsteps. I spun around to see the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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