Chapter 2

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The four of them jumped over the couch and drew their weapons. I immediately grabbed my sword. "Woah easy! I'm not here to fight!" I shouted. They looked at me and the one wearing red gestured to my sword. "Here, I'm going to put it away," I said as I slid it into my bag. The turtles looked at each other and they lowered their weapons.
I sighed. "Who are you?" The one wearing orange asked. "I'm Miles," I said. He was about to open his mouth when I cut him off. "I already know your names," I said as I pulled out my phone. I hit a few buttons and I handed it to him. They looked at the screen and back at me. "So you're not from this dimension." The one wearing purple said. "Yes, that's one way of putting it, Donatello," I said. "How do we know that you're not working for Shredder or the Krang." The one wearing blue said. "Cause Leonardo, I would have already tried to kill you and your brothers," I said. I felt someone poke me in the arm. I looked down and I noticed it was the orange one. "Michelangelo please stop," I said. He immediately pulled away. "We already figured out that she isn't a Krang droid, Mikey." The one in red said. "It's fine Raphael," I said.
Then Michelangelo took my glasses. "Give them back," I said as I swiped at the air. "You can't see without them?" Donatello asked. I nodded. Donatello took the glasses from Michelangelo and handed them to me. "Thank you," I whispered. Before he could answer I heard a familiar voice. "What is going on here."
I turned around to face Master Splinter. He took one look at me and beacon me into the Dojo. I glanced at Leo and the others, then I followed Master Splinter.
Once I entered the room he closed the door and gestured for me to sit down. I was about to open my mouth to speak when he stopped me. "I already know who you are." He said. I nodded. He came over and sat down in front of me. "I sense that you have trust in my sons and in me, how come?" He asked. "I don't know," I whispered. Master Splinter looked at me. "Have you told them about yourself?" He asked. I was about to answer when I realized what he was talking about. When I was younger I was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism, I'm scared to tell them," I said. Master Splinter nodded. I took a deep breath and let it out. "You may stay here with us until we can figure out a way home for you." He said. He got up and headed to the door. "What happens if I don't want to go home?" I asked. Master Splinter looked at me. "We'll see when the time comes." He said. I nodded. Master Splinter led me back over to the others. "She will be staying with us until we can figure out a way to bring her home." He told the turtles. "Oh yeah, we get to have a sister," Michelangelo said happily. "You never told us how old you are," Donatello said. "Oh, I'm 20 years old," I said. They looked at each other and then back at Master Splinter. "Does that mean she is the oldest for now?" Michelangelo asked. "Yes, that means I'm the oldest right now," I whispered. 

Teenage mutant ninja turtleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora