Chapter 3

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"Donatello, could you take her to the extra room, please? I'll be down there in a few minutes to talk to you." Master Splinter said. Donatello nodded.
Donatello led me to a room next to his lab. "I have always loved to work with robotics," I whispered. He looked at me with an excited look in his eyes. "Maybe you could help me out with some of my projects." He said. I nodded. Once we arrived, he opened the door to show a bedroom with a small bed in one corner and a table in another. Once I sat on the bed, Donatello sat beside me. He was about to say something to me when Master Splinter came in. "The reason why I wanted you to take care of her Donatello, is because I think she can trust you." Master Splinter said. Donatello looked at me, and I sighed. "I was born with ADHD and Autism," I said. Donatello gently touched my hand. I smiled and hugged him.
We headed back out to the main room and Michelangelo immediately tackled me. "It's going to be awesome to have another sibling!" He said happily. I gently rubbed his head as I sat down on the couch. "So, why don't you tell us about yourself," Leonardo said. I nodded, "Well I'm a 20-year-old girl who just graduated high school about 6 months ago. I'm into robotics, ancient history, and mythology." I said. "Can you fight?" Raphael asked. "Somewhat, I'm still learning," I said while grabbing my sword. He nodded. I gently rubbed the blade of my sword. "I can shoot pretty well," I said. I pulled my phone out and I looked at the screen. "I wasn't one of the smartest kids in school. I struggled with different topics in school." I said. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Leonardo. I let out a soft yawn. "Do you want me to take you to your room?" Donatello asked. I nodded. I got up and I followed him to the extra room. Once I laid down on the bed I immediately fell asleep.

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