Chapter 11

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Tommy freezes, heart thumping in his chest. Wilbur was gonna... kill him self? He knows he has to do something. And he thinks he knows what. 

Tommy paused, that sounded like... no.... no it couldn't be. Wilbur wasn't going to... to kill himself? Was he? He was. Wilbur was going to kill himself. And it was all Tommy's fault. Tommy felt his chest tighten. He could hear Techno panicking, and could practically feel Phil's eyes on him, boring into the back of his skull. All he had needed to do was to say something, let Wilbur know he was alive, then maybe they wouldn't be in this mess. Wilbur might be safe. But Tommy hadn't. And Wilbur wasn't. 

Suddenly he knew he couldn't stay here. Despite his illness, he sprung up from the sofa, and raced out the door, ignoring Phil's frantic "Mate no wait-" And Techno's "For christ sake!" 

He ran out the door, and down the street and he didn't stop. He just ran. 

And ran.

And ran. 

As he ran he thought back on his previous conversations with Wilbur, and he remembered something Wil had mentioned a long time ago. 


"Listen up bitch," Tommy declares, throwing his hands into the air. When Wilbur doesn't respond, he pauses, "Wil? You alright?" 

"... yeah..." Wilbur hesitates, "Just... don't like this bridge," 

Tommy furrows his brow, "Why not?" He asks, looking at Wilbur with a mix of concern and confusion. 

"I... " Wilbur cuts himself off, shaking his head. 

"You know you can tell me anything... right...?" Tommy asks Wilbur, sitting down next to him. 

"Yeah..." Wilbur pauses before continuing, "I... I almost killed myself here once. I don't like it because I know this is where I would go if I were to try it again." 


Tommy spun around, and sprinted. He knew where to go, he just had to get there in time. Had to get there before its too late. All their past quarrels had been forgotten because in that moment Tommy forgave him. And he remembered what it meant to be brothers. 

But when Tommy arrives at the scene, there are ambulances already there. 

And as he approaches there is one thought racing through his mind. 

"Am I too late?" 

Sorry for not updating in so long i kinda forgot this existed 😭

One more part left to go which i'll *hopefully* write & release tmrw!

Hope u enjoyed :)

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