Chapter 1: The announcement

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I was walking to school with my best friend Michelle. Whe talked about some of the mean populair girls in our school and gossiped about some annoying people who can't shut up. When we arrived at school we walked up to our other friends Liz and Molly. They both aren't in our class but in breaks we alway sit together. "What do you guys have?" I asked. Liz answered: "we have English from miss Harp". "Oh nice, miss Harp is pretty chill we have geography from mister green." 'Tring,tring,tring"
We said goodbye to Liz and Molly and walked to our class. Alot of people were already there and only a few seats at the back were left. I don't mind tho, I like sitting in the back. Mister green started his boring lesson and gave us four homework assingments to do. We didn't do alot in the lesson itself mister green talks alot and can't shut up about anything. It was so annoying. After the lesson we had science, oh my god my crush is in the same science class as me. He looked even hotter today, he wore a black sweater with brown pants and damn it looked good. My science teacher miss pound told us: "You guys are going to do a project in living toghether in an house with no parents, this is to prepare you guys for the future. You will all get an home with three bedrooms a big kitchen and living room and two bathrooms. You are doing this project in pairs tho." The whole class was talking and making deals with who they would go. I am going with Michelle. But then she continued talking and said: "Stop making pairs. The school decides who you go with, but you all have to fill in a document with a top three girls you want to get with and a top three boys." She gave us the link.of the document and i put the names in.
Name: Holly Carter

Top 3 girls:
Michelle olin
Molly kanser
Liz upner

The girl part was easy, but then for boys i was struggeling alot, but i did my crush chase tree on one, on two i did Pim booser and on three Marc Zucker.

Our teacher said we get to know who we paired with tommorow. After sience we had break. I asked Michelle, Liz and Molly who they put:
Cris puke
Bob smith
Levi jones
Mick preé
Pim booster
Zane black
Pim booster
Zane black
Levi jones

We all talked a little and then we had to go to our next lesson. I'm very exited to find out who i am paired with for the project!

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