Chapter 5: The start of a new start

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It's monday morning. The first day of the live-in experience. I was super excited but really nervous. I spent the whole weekend packing my bags and checking if i had everything i needed. Yesterday we had a family gathering and it made me realize that i'm not going to see them for a whole year... I didn't get much sleep because i had to wake up at 5 fu- ducking in the morning. I hopped in the shower and picked out a cute outfit for today after i finnally picked something i did some make-up on and went downstairs. My parents were standing there both with tears in their eyes and my eyes began to water too. I said goodbye to my mom and dad, after a long hug i really had to go, because the school bus arrived. I  put my stuff in the stockingspace of the bus and went inside while my parents were waving at me as we head of to a new chapter in live.
Living all by myself, well not really because it's with Chase but you get what i mean.
Everyone couple had a seperate house but it was all very close to eachother though.
I saw Chase sitting next to Lices, Yes that's really her name crazy right. I couldn't help but feel envious. Why is that bi- witch sitting next to Chase! I let out a sigh and grabbed my phone to text drend my friend who didn't go to the same school as me and doesn't have this project. 'I'm in the bus now, i miss home already.' I waited for a bit but he wasn't replying so i put my phone back in my pocket and looked around the bus. The pick me's were filming tiktok's and flirting with the boys. The nerd was studying, we don't even have tests the whole year what are you studying for? Anyway the populair boys were just annyoing people and the others were just doing random stuff like: listening to music, drawing or just looking out the window. Damn i wish i had my sketchbook right now, the view here is breath-taking.

After 1 more hour that felt like days of just sitting people started to get called to get out.  That ment we were in the town were we all will be living somewhere. This meant it couldn't take long before we were up. And i was right after 5 minutes the guide said in the speaker thing; "Chase and his partner Holly can step out the keys of your house will be given before you leave the bus." I got up ready for this new adventure.

Sorry that ya'll had to wait so long for this chapter i had zero  motivation and i was super busy with school and yeah just life stuff. I hope i'll have more time for writing. I tried to make this chapter a little longer than usual so i hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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