Chapter 3: Talkin

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I was talking with Molly, Liz and Michelle and Michelle's boyfriend when Chase came walking towards us. "Hey Holly, cool we're toghether for the project right?"  "Yes, I am very excited!" "Yeah me too i can't wait." "Well see you around" I said bye as he was walking away and Liz said "oh my gawd gurl did Chase Tree just talk to you?!" "I think he did oh my god" I replied. Then Michelle said " He defintely likes you girllll." But Molly said: "Let's stay real guys, sorry to give you a reality check but he just came up to her to talk that doesn't mean he likes her tho."

*Chase Pov.*
It was breaktime and I saw Holly and her friends sitting on the bench. I decided to go talk to her. I walked up to her and said "Hey Holly, cool we're together for the project right?" She replied. I wanted to talk to her for longer but i heard my friends shout my name. So i said bye and walked away. "Why do i have to be paired with a girl." I said to my friends "You're lucky she is nice i'm stuck with Grace." One of my friends replied. Yeah i am pretty lucky tho.

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