¹ Finding Jungkook

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"Come on Jungkook, wake- Jungkook?"

Seokjin stood by the door, confused. Jungkook's alarm was blaring, but he wasn't on his bed. It was actually already made neatly, like no one had slept on it all. Seokjin walked in to shut off the alarm and saw that the whole room looked neat and tidy as well. It wasn't like this last night. Instinctively a bad feeling filled Jin's chest. He felt like he had to find Jungkook right away.

He tried checking the bathroom, but there was no one. He checked the kitchen/dining room. It was empty. The living room was quiet. Most of the time when Jungkook was in the living room at that time, he often fell back asleep, as evident by soft snores. They were the most likely places he could be in this hour. Where was he?

"Good morning hyung, how are you doing?" Namjoon said sleepily as he walked out of his room.

"Have you seen Jungkook?," Seokjin immediately asked him, ignoring the question.

"No, why?"

"He wasn't in his room even though his alarm was ringing, and I can't find him in the bathroom, kitchen or living room."

"Maybe he went on a run to clear his head?"

"He would at least turn off his alarm and leave a note, and you know he doesn't go on runs this early on workdays."

"True. If you like, I can try calling him, but you may be just -"

"Good, do that."

And Jin left.

"- Overreacting."

He decided to check all the members' rooms. He first checked his and Yoongi's own room. "Jungkook?!" He called out, waking up a grouchy Yoongi. Jungkook wasn't there, but he managed to recieve a devilish glare from Yoongi.
He then went to Hoseok and Jimin's shared room, calling Jungkook's name and startling a half-awake Hoseok and earning a groan from Jimin who finally got up. However, he didn't succeed in finding Jungkook there.
He then went in to Taehyung's room. His alarm was the loudest in the house, yet somehow he managed to sleep through it. It was hurting Seokjin's ears, but he decided to try anyway.

"Jungkook?!" He called out, startling Taehyung awake.

"I'm up, I'm up," he said quickly and groggily, still not registering that Seokjin wasn't after him. Jin couldn't help but be amazed.

So the damn alarm can't wake him up but he gets up when I call?

"Wait, were you calling Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, finally realizing that Jin was looking for Jungkook.


"Shouldn't he be sleeping through his alarm?" There was a hint of wavering spite in his tone, but there was a bit of clear surprise in there too.

"That's the thing. He isn't even in his room though his alarm rang. You know how he sometimes goes around waking us up if he wakes up early and we're sleeping through our alarms? I'm assuming he's doing that. However I can't seem to find anywhere."

A sense of fear ran through Taehyung after hearing that. The fear fuelled him to get out of bed and his sleep disappeared.

"I'll help you look. For some reason I have a bad feeling about this."

"Me too. Namjoon's room and the home studio are still pending. I'll check his room, you check the studio."

"Got it."

The two rushed out of the room and went to check their respective locations. Honestly there was no point - Namjoon was already awake and no one liked being to the home studio this early in the morning. But they were worried sick and they would turn the place upside down to look for Jungkook. Which was why they panicked more when neither of them could find him in either place. They met back in the hallway and decided to check the upstairs rooms again. They checked and double checked without any luck and the bad feeling they both felt kept growing.

Taehyung was going to check one room for the third time when he passed the staircase. He stopped and saw the third flight of stairs, leading to the roof of their dormitory. Jin met up with him there.

"Hyung, I know it's a longshot, but let's check the roof. Even if we don't find him there, we can try looking for him on the streets if he's gone out. The dorm has a good view," Taehyung tried convincing Seokjin, and thankfully he was desperate enough to even make a wish to a genie if given the chance to show him where his maknae is.

They dashed up the stairs and onto the roof. Unfortunately, as expected, Jungkook wasn't there either. They ran towards the railing and scanned their neighborhood for the missing boy, calling out his name as well. They shouted his name so loudly that they would have woken up their whole neighborhood. Their anxiety picked up when they still couldn't see the boy anywhere, but kept searching anyway.

Seokjin had his gaze fixed on the view, trying not to miss a single clue that could lead to their youngest. But out of a moment of frustration, he dropped his head and looked down at their backyard.

That was when he saw it.

And it wasn't relieving at all.


Shorter than I thought. When I wrote it in my notebook it was as long as my one shots lol. You know about stories with happy beginnings and sad endings? This one is the reverse.

Just letting you know, the next few chapters are going to be very sad. Like really, very sad, so, if you aren't into that stuff, I am warning you, close this book NOW.

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