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TW - Mentions of blood, MCD

"Jeon Jungkook. Age 22. Time of death, 7:01 AM."

For a moment, there was an absolute silence, then a loud scream exploded from Jin. He hit Jungkook's chest in the hopes of making his heart beat again, but it was of no use. He dropped his head onto the dead boy's chest and broke down completely. He was unwilling to let go. Forget the first wish he wanted to make to the genie, he wanted him to bring his maknae back. But everyone knows that even the most powerful genie couldn't bring back the dead.

Maknae, how could you do this to me?!

Taehyung couldn't hold back either. His only little brother, now dead in front of him. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, bunny," he muttered as he sobbed hysterically. The others were a huge mess as well. Yoongi passed out, Hobi and Jimin screamed as they held each other, Namjoon cried hysterically, still holding Jungkook's hand which he was checking the pulse. No matter how much they cried, Jungkook wasn't coming back.

Taehyung went to hold Jungkook's other hand, and felt something there. He opened it to find a note, crumpled and bloodstained. He took it and saw it had the words "To hyungs" written on top.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid we'll have to take the body. You'll have to say goodbye," the paramedic said sorrowfully.

But I don't want to say goodbye, Taehyung thought to himself. He loved Jungkook dearly, they were partners in crime. He couldn't see himself as the youngest now, it didn't feel right. The feeling of someone still younger than you in a place where you already are one of the youngest is quite amazing for a few, but now that feeling was snatched from Taehyung.

"Bye, Jungkookie. I love you," Namjoon said quietly, kissing Jungkook's lifeless hand. Yoongi had stirred by then, and patted his head as he silently sobbed. Jimin went to give a last 'boop' on Jungkook's nose tearfully, something he loved doing, and knew Jungkook secretly enjoyed. "I'll miss you a lot Jungkook-ah," he mumbled. Hoseok leaned to give Jungkook a small hug one last time, even if it was an uncomfortable position. Taehyung held on tightly to Jungkook's hand, not willing to say goodbye at all, but in the end was forced to let go. Jimin made his way over to him and hugged him tightly as he cried into his chest. The only one left was Jin. His head stayed on Jungkook's chest the whole time.

"Sir, we need to take him, please let go," the paramedic tried to persuade him.

"Hyung? You have to let him go," Namjoon tried reasoning. He didn't like saying one word of that sentence, he felt the same way as Jin, but he said it anyway.

"NO! I'm not letting him go! He died because YOU didn't try hard enough! My youngest is gone, you expect me to just accept that?! I won't let him go, I won't let you take him away from me! I RAISED him! He can't die on me! Why did you give up?! I'm not letting go, you hear me?!! I'M NOT LETTING GO!!!"Seokjin screamed at the paramedics. He only lifted his head then, but kept his arms wrapped around Jungkook's dead body.

The paramedics had to take extreme measures to pull Jin off of Jungkook as he completely refused to let go. He didn't want to believe his maknae was no more. He wanted to try breathing life into him again, even try using the defibrillator again. He blamed the paramedics entirely for Jungkook's death. If they had tried hard enough,  they would have probably had to wait in hospital for his recovery, they may have had to wait for him to wake up from a coma or whatever, they may have had to take care of him for a long time, provide therapy and medication, but they wouldn't have had to say goodbye at all.

"What are you doing? Leave me! You can't do this! He's my youngest, I can't let him go! I raised him since he was a boy! I have to be with him! He can't be dead! LEAVE ME!" Seokjin kept screaming as part of the paramedical team pried him away from Jungkook and kept him away from him. Namjoon and Yoongi even tried persuading him but he refused to listen. He kept trying to fight back as tears kept falling. His eyes had become bloodshot. It started to rain by that time. The rest of the paramedics brought a white cloth and a stretcher. One of them put the cloth over Jungkook's body and two others lifted him onto the stretcher, bringing it inside the ambulance. Seokjin finally stopped screaming and all he could say was, "He's my youngest brother... He's my brother... He's my... My... He's gone..." It was only then the people holding him back left him. Feeling absolutely weak and helpless, Jin fainted. The members ran toward him as they heard the siren of the ambulance get softer and softer, carrying their now dead maknae. They knew that neighbours must have been hearing the commotion, their manager must be wondering what happened and they would have to tell him and Jungkook's family the truth. And this got them wondering.

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