⚠️²Shouldn't Be This Way

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TW - Blood, Suicide, MCD

A sense of dread filled Seokjin's whole being and panic sat on his chest like a rock. He began to back away, muttering "No, no..." under his breath. His voice cracked and tears brimmed in his eyes. Taehyung turned around, changing his focus to his distressed hyung. He hadn't seen what he had yet.

"Hyung, what's wrong? Did you see Jungkook? What happened?", he asked desperately. He tried getting Jin to look at him and answer, but instead Jin started hyperventilating, his muttering not stopping. Then suddenly, he ran off in a panic, leaving Taehyung stunned for a moment before following him.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room, everyone else gathered, awake and concerned. They all found Seokjin worried first thing in the morning and was looking for the youngest. And now that they were all there, they couldn't find Jungkook either.

Suddenly, they saw Seokjin running down the stairs in a panicked rush, Taehyung calling out to him as he stumbled behind.

"Jin-hyung, what's wrong? Did you find him? Hyung where -" Namjoon got cut off again as Jin completely ignored him and made his way to the back door. Taehyung was going to go with him but was stopped by Jimin.

"Taehyung, what happened? We could hear you calling Jungkook. Did you find him? Why is hyung so distressed?" Jimin asked frantically. The members' anxiety was growing.

"I don't know. We couldn't see him anywhere. I think Jin-hyung saw something disturbing and then ran out," Taehyung explained, feeling as if he would jump out of his skin if he stood a second longer.

"So what are we doing here gossiping? Whatever he saw had to be very disturbing if he's like this right now. Let's go!" Yoongi exclaimed, getting up from his seat and going to the back door, which led to their backyard. The others followed suit immediately.

The group quickly found their hyung. He was just standing there, and staring at something with wide, teary eyes.

"Hyung, what did you..." Taehyung saw it too, and finally understood why Seokjin was so distressed.

What they saw wasn't something, it was someone. Someone they had been looking for.

Seokjin was still processing what he was seeing. He wanted to pinch himself but was to frozen to move. Yet he was aware of his surroundings, he just didn't want to believe they were real.

No, this can't be happening... This shouldn't be happening... Maybe this is a nightmare...? Yeah, it's a nightmare... And I will wake up and see him... Normal...

But the sights and sounds of birds chirping, leaves rustling, few vehicles moving, seemed normal, too normal, much in contrast to the sight he was still staring at. The more he just stared, the less a dream it felt. Nothing was changing.

Unable to hold back tears, Jin ran forward and cried out, "JUNGKOOK!!!"

He had found Jungkook - pale, bloody, twisted and unmoving. The ground beneath him was soaked in blood.

What had he done to himself?

Seokjin fell to his knees beside Jungkook's body, sobbing heavily. He felt scared to touch him, still not believing completely if this was real. He still wished that this was just a bad dream. Jin felt that if he touched the body and he could feel it, then it wouldn't be a dream. But the more he kept looking and saw how nothing was still changing, he saw no point in believing that this was a dream anymore.

"Jungkook! Jungkook wake up! Wake up for me, for hyung! Can you wake up for me? Come on, bunny, wake up!," Jin cried, shaking the body, but there came no response.

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