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Taehyung POV -

I was standing at the top of an unfamiliar building. The surroundings looked normal but the building was shaking, it was unstable. I turned around to see Jungkook looking around like I did, before turning to look at me.

"Hyung, where are we?" he asked me. His doe eyes were wide with fear.

"I don't know, but whatever this place is, we need to get out of here," I replied. Just as I said that, the building shook again and we nearly lost our balance.

We ran to the staircase exit but the door was locked. No matter how much we tried, the door didn't open. The building shook again, but this time so violently a lot crack was heard and the top half of it tilted forward. I held on to an adjacent pole, but Jungkook didn't get the chance to grab onto something and lost his balance. He fell over the edge with a shriek but managed to hold onto it. However, he was struggling to pull himself back up. The building kept shaking.

"Jungkook!" I called out. The more the building shook, the harder it got for him to hold on. "Hyung... HELP!" I had to save him. I let go of the pole and went towards him, being careful not to fall. I grabbed his hands, urging him to not let go of mine. He was crying and hyperventilating. "Hyung, please help me, I don't want to die," he begged. "It's okay, it's okay, Kook. I got you."

It was harder than I thought to pull him and the violent quakes of the building weren't helping. "Hyung, please don't let go..." Jungkook cried. I was getting frustrated over how hard it was to get him back up. "I won't, okay?!" I unintentionally shouted. 

"Why are you shouting?"

"I'm not!"

Then all of a sudden, a voice boomed. My voice.

"Go to hell!" is what it said. I was surprised to hear it. I didn't even open my mouth to say that. I looked at Jungkook's face and saw the hurt look on his face. Tears spilled heavily from his eyes. 

"Wh-what?" was all he could say.

"Jungkook, I promise you, I didn't say that, I mean I didn't actually say that, or mean that... just- just hold on, please,"  I fumbled. His grip on my hands loosened a little.

"It didn't sound like you didn't mean that. Wh-what did I do wrong?" he cried and his grip loosened more.

"Jungkook, no, don't let go of me, you hear me? Do not let go!"

My voice boomed again and the building quaked dangerously. There was another crack, another tilt and another quake, and that was enough for Jungkook to lose his grip. My own grip loosened from the sudden shake and his hands slipped from mine. He screamed and I tried reaching out but it was too late. 

"JUNGKOOK!!!" I screamed out for him as he spiralled out of sight.

Suddenly, I'm on the ground. The building had collapsed. Somehow I'm unhurt, just covered in dust. Surprisingly there was no one else around. Jungkook. I had to find Jungkook!

I scanned the debris for my maknae and I found him fast, thanks to the fact no one else was there. I ran to him, and saw his body was mangled and bloody and his doe-eyes were half-open and lifeless. He was dead. I fell to my knees and cried loudly. I tried shaking him to wake him up, but it was too late to do anything.

The I saw his arm. His sleeve was stained crimson, much more than the rest of his body. Pulling the sleeve up, I gasped, nearly fainting from shock.

His arms had the words, "I have gone there," cut into it, and it was bleeding heavily. The ground broke beneath us and we fell... 


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