⋆˚✿˖° 01. Twenty Confessions

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The first time he confessed to you, you were both just twelve, starting middle school

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The first time he confessed to you, you were both just twelve, starting middle school. He was tall, lanky and his hair was black and messy. He had a cute smile and quite frankly, you thought he was adorable.

Until he opened his mouth.

"Hey, you're pretty and I'm cute. Together we'd be Pretty Cute."

You rejected him immediately, turning away and planning to get as far away from him as possible. It was your first day at middle school and already you had met a weirdo.

He grabbed your wrist, "I'm being serious, you're so pretty. What's your name?"

"My parents told me to not speak to strangers."

"And my parents told me to speak up to the girls I like."

"Your parents are weird." You replied, flicking his forehead.

"My parents are dead."

"Oh." You immediately froze in shock. "I'm sorry. That was mean of me."

He shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'll accept your apology if you agree to be my girlfriend."

You frowned. You were sorry, but you barely even knew him, why would you agree to be his girlfriend?

You rejected him again and then ran away.

You'd thought that after rejecting him, he'd leave you alone and totally forget about you, but you were wrong. So wrong. He just would not leave you alone. You were always on his mind and he had made it his goal to seek you out in the halls every day, pestering you on how much he likes you.

As seasons changed, his love for you still stayed the same. During the second year of middle school, you heard the news of him becoming the President of a rising gang named Black Dragons. If it weren't for the fact that you witnessed him and his gang riding motorbikes home from school, you wouldn't have believed it. Because who would? You knew that he was physically weak, you've seen him getting into fights and getting his ass handed to him every single damn time.

"Do you have nothing better to do?" You said as Shinichiro decided to abandon his gang duties and walk you home from school.

"What better thing is there than spending time with the girl I like?"

You let out an exasperated sigh. "Shinichiro."

"I like you." He grinned.

"Stop it. It's getting old."

"My feelings for you will never change, Y/N. I will always love you and my heart will always be with you. Even in my next life, my heart will still find you and belong to you."

How foolish, you thought, to give his heart to a girl to hold when she wouldn't even hesitate to crush it to pieces with her bare hands.

TWENTY CONFESSIONS / sano shinichiroWhere stories live. Discover now