Bittersweet Farewell

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Flashback continues...

In the aftermath of Aks's response, I found myself oscillating between moments of profound sadness and fleeting anger. It was as if someone had ripped open my chest, exposing the raw, pulsating heart that I had so carefully hidden.

For two long hours, I had awaited his reply, my mind consumed by anticipation. When his message finally arrived, it bore the weight of my expectations, and his words cut deeper than I had imagined they would.

"Hii Saina, thanks for sharing your views on this, but I'm not seeing anyone for a relationship. I hope you understand... I felt attracted towards you, I'm not denying, but feelings, I'm sorry..."

Reading those lines, I felt like a candle snuffed out on a windy night. The tears flowed freely, staining my cheeks and the pages of my unfinished assignment. I had never felt so used, so foolish, so utterly heartbroken.

The exams started, providing a convenient distraction from the turmoil within me. We didn't speak, didn't exchange glances, and that silence was a welcome balm for my wounded heart.

 On the last day, as I was collecting my things, I saw him heading toward me. I summoned a smile, determined not to show the hurt that still lingered beneath the surface.

He said he was sorry, and I nodded, dismissing the pain with a wave of my hand. "It's alright," I replied, though I knew it wasn't. "It was just a small crush."

But deep inside, I knew it was more than that. Love had a funny way of settling into your heart, often without warning or invitation. I learned that you can't force someone to love you, just as you can't erase the feelings that once bloomed.

In the days that followed, I began writing unsent letters to him, pouring out my emotions and sealing them away in a drawer. They were my silent confessions, my way of letting go, and with time, they became fewer in number.

As the saying goes, "Time heals all wounds." I clung to that hope, believing that one day, the pain would recede, and my heart would find its peace once more.

Flashback Ends:-

Today marked a significant day in Khwahish's life and, surprisingly, in mine as well. It was the day when the path of my life became entwined with someone else's, a fact that my heart grudgingly accepted. 

Shaurya was a good man, and I had no concrete reason to deny my mother's wishes. Yet, as I looked in the mirror, dressed in a beautiful engagement outfit, there was a nagging feeling deep within that something was amiss.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I was doing something wrong. My heart whispered that this wasn't the right path for me, but for whom was I pausing? Certainly not for Aks—there were no strings attached between us anymore.

I confided in Khwahish about my impending engagement, and she radiated happiness in her bridal attire. It was clear she had genuine love for herself, unlike me, who had grown accustomed to hiding my feelings.

Ridaanshi revealed to me that Aks was departing for the border tomorrow, ending his holidays. A wave of sadness washed over me as I thought about him.

 How could an army officer, someone so brave and selfless, be perceived as heartless? He was going to a place where danger lurked, where he might never see his family or the love he left behind again. Why was I thinking this way?

I quickly wiped away a stray tear that had escaped, letting it serve as a silent prayer to whatever higher power might be listening: "Please, God, protect him from harm. I'll be forever grateful that Captain Aks Malhotra was my first love."

With that, I forced a smile upon my face and braced myself for the engagement ceremony, silently acknowledging that life had taken me down an unexpected path—one where my heart and mind were in constant battle.

The mandap was adorned beautifully, where the engagement celebrations were in full swing. Samarth, my cousin, took it upon himself to announce the news of my engagement to everyone gathered.

 As congratulations poured in, my eyes glistened with unshed tears. Among the sea of faces, I couldn't help but notice someone else with reddened eyes—Aks.

After a while, I couldn't spot him in the crowd, and an urge to find him took over. I made my way to the terrace, where I found him standing, staring into the distance. 

Our eyes met, and he spoke with a hint of resignation, "So, you've finally moved on," accompanied by a faint, melancholic smile.

I hesitated, the words catching in my throat, "Shaurya...engagement." Aks nodded slowly, his eyes conveying emotions he was struggling to put into words.

 He asked softly, "Am I so easily forgettable?" I couldn't help but move closer, my hand gently touching his cheek, tears brimming in my eyes.

 "I want to settle down, Aks. Marriage is important for me ;  I want this, and you were a beautiful chapter of my past, Aks Malhotra. I loved you once, and I'll never regret that. But I have to move on."

His eyes glistened with unshed tears as I continued, "This is a forever goodbye, Captain Malhotra. I'm proud of you, of what you're doing."

 I leaned in and kissed his forehead, the warmth of our past flooding over me one last time. Tears streamed down my face as I whispered, "Goodbye."

An hour later, I saw him approaching, our eyes locking in a silent exchange. I managed a smile through my tears, and he simply gazed at me, a bittersweet understanding passing between us.

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wait for aks pov in next update

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