Any DOD x any other DOD

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For those of you who don't know: DOD means Dragonet of Destiny. 

Now, let's start off with the fact that they are all practically adopted siblings. I will probably do another review on Sunnyflight by itself because that ship probably has the most shippers/popularity of the DOD x DOD ships. For the rest of them though, I know that there are also a few people that ship Clory and Starnami, but the others just kinda feel random. Like I don't really blame people who ship Clory and Starnami because I used to too. Idrk why, it just felt obvious. But I don't ship them anymore because they all have other ships that are better ALSO THEY'RE ADOPTED SIBLINGS SO EW.

I don't think anymore needs to be said.

1/10 they are siblings.

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