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I. Love. Moonbli. It is one of the best ships in my opinion. They just fit so well together! Moon is shy and quiet and Qibli is outgoing and confident. I love how Qibli acts so confident but actually has a really sad past, and Moon is the only one who knew that for a while. They joke around, they have fun, and honestly what more do you need in a relationship. It shows perfectly that not all relationships have to be romancey (not that Moon and Qibli don't have their own romance), some can just be fun and carefree. I mean after all they are just kids. They don't need to be super serious, and I feel like this ship shows that more than anything. And most of all: They trust each other. As I said before, trust is a major theme in the WOF series, and Moon and Qibli trust each other. I think that that in itself should make this one of the best ships in WOF. This is one of my OTPs and I love it. I'm not saying you have to like it too, but if you don't, I want you to take a moment and consider this ship in its whole, and then make your decision. Thank you. And without further ado, I give Moonbli...

A 10/10!!! GO MOONBLI!!! <3

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