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"are we too young for this?

"are we too young for this?

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Everleighs POV-

I wake up to my alarm going off. I groan and notice Tom's already up. I stand up and go to Bills room.

I knock and hear Bill snoring. I barge into his room and jump on him. "Bill get up we are late as hell!!" I say trying not to laugh. He pushes me off of him and jumps up running to his closet.

I laugh and fall down on the ground. "Whats so funny?! We are late come on! Get ready!" He says helping me up. "I was kidding we have an hour and a half." I say still laughing.

He gives me a dirty look and just continues to go through clothes. " You are such a bitch sometimes." He says while giggling.

I giggle and go into his closet finding some clothes I left over before.

I find an cropped white laced tank top that matched my white laced bra. I grab a light pink sweater and low rise jeans. I also grab a pair of Bills Uggs. Perfect!

I change and walk downstairs to see Tom on the couch watching TV

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I change and walk downstairs to see Tom on the couch watching TV. I walk behind him to get to the kitchen. "Everleigh.. we need to talk." He says while looking down. "Oh.. okay." I say worried.

I walk over to the couch sit close next to him. He scoots away. "Whats going on...?" I say quitely. "Well.. last night when you were sleeping. I snuck out. And It was a mistake it really was. But I went to the bar. And I ended up hooking up with that waitress.." He says looking down shamefully.

I start to tear up. "Okay.. " I say while my voice cracks. "But I didn-" He says. "Were you drunk?" I ask trying to hold myself together. He shakes his head no.

I nod, get up, and dust myself up. I calmly walk up to his room and grab my things while he's chasing after me. "I didn't mean to Everleigh please just listen to me.." He says with tears in his eyes.

I ignore him and walk to Bills room. "Whats wrong?!" He says concerned and confused. I shake my head no and grab my book bag. I walk out of Bill's room and walk downstairs to see Tom sitting on the couch on the phone.

I open the front door and make my way to school.


Toms POV-

I walk to Chemistry with my head down. What the hell did I do? I keep on hurting her just for my own pleasure.

I walk into class and see Everleigh with her head down. I clear my throat and sit down in my seat. I turn around see her writing notes with mascara running down her face.

We make eye contact. I can see the pain. She breaks the eye contact and raises her hand. "May I use the restroom?" She asks. The teacher nods and looks back at the chalkboard.

Everleigh stands up and starts to walk. I hear a group of girls laughing and I then see Everleigh trip on the girls foot. I quickly stand up to help her up.

I see her nose bleeding. Fuck. I try to help her up but she pushes me away and stands up herself.

Everleighs POV-

Tom tries to help me up but I push him away. What an idiot. I stand up and dust myself off. I turn around to the girl who tripped me and punch her in fhe face.

She falls off her chair. "You are fucking pathetic." I say out loud. I see Tom walking back to his seat. "Ms. Kline that is absolutely unacceptable. Get your stuff and go home. You are suspended." The teacher says in an angry tone.

I turn towards her. "So it's okay for her to bully me and trip me everyday?" I say crossing my arms. "I don't want to hear it. Get out of my classroom and go home." The teacher says.

I scoff and get my things. "If she has to go then I am too." Tom says already standing up with his stuff. The teacher shrugs and gets back to the lesson.

We walk out of class awkwardly. "Can I please explain..?" Tom says. "Tom. Whats there to explain? You cheated on me when you said you wouldn't hurt me." I say with an attitude.

He looks down."I got drugged Everleigh. She drugged me and made me have sex with her. " He says while his voice cracks. I stop dead in my tracks. I tear up. "I'm so sorry Tom. I'm sorry I wasnt there.. please forgive me for not listening. " I say with tears running down my cheeks.

He pulls me into a hug. "Im sorry." I say again wiping my tears. "Its okay.." He says. "Lets just go back to mine.. okay?" I say  backing up and grabbing his hand. He nods.

"I'm so so sorry." I repeat.

"Its okay." He says.

MY BEST FRIENDS BROTHER- Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now