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''Everything makes sense when I'm with you, even the ray of sunshine confirms it because it glows and shines differently when you are around''
- Toxic_Cherries.

Winter cold is finally seeping its way out to Mother Earth and I could feel its fair warmth already enveloping us, my suit can't seem to withstand the chilly weather.

I parked in the garage of Reid's home with my annoying dear wife taking the 150th picture of both of us to post on the gram.

I rolled my eyes in frustration, Can she be real for once? At this point, I believe Ava herself is fake, and probably the real Ava is out there doing god knows what.

''We are here'', I said while I killed the engine of the car. ''That was fast'', She said in a rather gruff voice than the voice she'd been using to address her fans a few minutes ago.

Like I said, FAKE! ''Babe'', She called out as I opened the car door to alight ''What is it?'', I said.
''Do me a favor, please'', She pouts and I cringe at the image before me, Ava is bold and sexy not cute. Still staring at her, she continues talking anyway.

''Help me open the door, I wanna take a video'', She tries making a puppy face, and as I said earlier the image before me is cringe.

For fuck sake! I didn't object though because I'm so avoiding any form of argument with Ava this evening, I don't want to spoil Reid's thing.

I left the car and went to the other side of the car to open Her Highness's door while she made a video of me holding her hands as she came out of the car.

''Amaris, Good evening'', Ava said to the other side, my back was facing that side so I didn't notice Amaris was around us.

How many of these did she see? That slimy snake! I bet she saw Amaris already as more of the reason why she asked me to open the damn door for her.

''Welcome Mr & Mrs. Lorenzo'', I stiffened at the tone of formality in her voice, God! It's fucking sickening. I hate it when she talks close off like that.

Relax Kai! You promised a truce remember, so no fooling around. I said to myself as I turned around to face her I wish I didn't when I saw the sight in front of me.

She is wearing a very sorry excuse of a gown with a corset, the white gown is so short that I could see what was underneath the gown if my fingers slid up a few inches. Damn!

Her curly argent hair isn't styled today, my mind went to the day my hands were wrapped around that hair, and my cock twitched slightly in my pants. Fuck Amaris! What in the devil's name are you doing to me in public, A few distance from your brother?

Her blue eyes are fixated on me, she is peering into my soul with that stare, I can feel her eyes take me in from my curly hair to my chest probably disappointed that my clothes are covering what she intends to see then her eyes stop at the bulge in my pants, her eyes widened and stayed in that spot for some seconds before she snatched her eyes away.

I heard Ava cough beside me and I jerked away from the sinful thoughts I was having about my ex not caring about the woman beside me. I'm the world's greatest jerk, It's official.

''how are you doing, Dahlia'', I said hoarsely and I felt her tense. I flexed my jaw in what seemed like a thrill knowing that my voice still affects her.

''The heels look good on you'', She complimented Ava. ''Thank you, love. My baby got it for me last week'', Gosh! Who the fuck asked you now Ava.

Something flashed in her eyes before it quickly disappeared as she masked a poker face almost immediately before it could sense what it was.

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