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''What about me and you? You and me?. Now, It's just me....''

''Why didn't you tell me?'', Reid finally uttered a statement after hours of silence. I could see it. The pity. The fear. The sadness in his expression.

This is why I did not tell him. I didn't want his pity, I needed to face the consequences of my own actions.

I was at fault. I fucked up by fucking a man twice my age and my brother's friend at that, and because of that, I got pregnant so no I didn't want this pathetic look on my brother's face.

''Answer me Ama.... Please I need to know if he compelled you into something you did not want to do...please...'', I cut him off before he could continue his statement.

'', It was consensual, I was even the one that begged him to have sex with me the first time'', I said.

''but... I......why...why him...I'', He stuttered his face marred with great confusion.

''I love him...I mean I thought I did'', I said with tears trickling down my face ''I guess I was wrong. Maybe I
Was just in love with the idea of him. God, I'm just a fool'', I bawled.

''Oh poor you'', Elena sat at the edge of the bed as she wrapped her hand around me, consoling me.

''you knew about this?''My brother looked up to my friend with anger. ''You should've told me, Ann'', He said dissappointedly.

''No Reid, It wasn't her fault. I made her promise not to tell anyone'', I pleaded on her behalf.

''I can't believe what that bastard made you go through. The heartbreak. The baby.., oh God.... I failed you Ama'', The fear evident in his tone. He looked at everywhere and everyone but me.

''Look at me, Reid! This. All of this is not your fault. You are the best brother anyone could ever ask for'', I placed my palm on both of his cheeks.

''You. You Reid Carsons did a very good job of raising me'', I assured him ''Please don't blame yourself'', I said with my voice shaking.

''God...I'm gonna cry too if you guys continue with this mushy stuff'', Elena said ''fuck pregnancy hormones'', Her voice shaking as if on the brink of tears.

''I'm sorry for not telling you, Reid'', My friend said as she joined the group hug but the emotional moment didn't last long as someone barged in.

''OMG! This is one of the biggest dreams of my career coming to pass.... Malachi fucking Lorenzo!! Girl, you are the IT girl'', Eric said all in one breath, looking at Their surroundings without so much look of indifference in his expression. They said ''Oops!''.

''Eric! You are here!'', I screamed missing the one tolerable character at work. ''Girl! I am here. Where else would I be'', They waved their hands as they closed in and enveloped me in a hug.

''How are you feeling now? Are you good? Hope you are ready for your comeback?'', They bombarded me with loads of questions.

''I don't think I can make a comeback. Everyone thinks I am a whore and a husband snatched Eric'' I reminded them as If anything could deter them.

''Who fucking cares Bambi? People will surely talk'', They said as if what happened was just a mere misunderstanding. My brother clears his throat ''I care'', He said.

''Whoosh...I can't believe I didn't notice a hot guy when entering a room. This is a first'', They said as they fanned themself with their hands. ''Sorry Eric, This one is taken'', Anita said as she pointed to Elena's baby bump.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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