☁️❤️The new girl on the block-Vee X male witch reader

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Requested by Questions247
Things about Y/N
Male (obviously)
A witch (obviously)
An oracle covenist
Ran away from the boiling isles, now lives in the human realm
Everything else is up to you

Requested by Questions247Things about Y/NMale (obviously)A witch (obviously)An oracle covenist Ran away from the boiling isles, now lives in the human realmEverything else is up to you

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"Hey, Masha!" I called to my best friend.

"Sup, pointy-ears?" They called back. I cringed. I hated when Masha called me  'pointy-ears.' It's not like i could help the fact i was a witch. I never got a sigil, but i studied oracle back in the boiling isles. One day, I decided to read the future of the land, and I saw everything...everything you wished you could unsee.
Sigils killing people.
The emperor killing people.

I didn't know what to do, so I just ran away I ended up in the human realm, by some miracle. I like it here. No emperor, no danger, just pure safety.

I groaned. "Can you just see if those kids that came by last week returned the history books they borrowed?"

"On it." They said.

I turned around, going back to cleaning up the mess the old curator made of the exhibits, when suddenly-


I jumped at the sound, it came from the front desk, someone probably just walked in...while screaming for some reason.

"You're not Jacob." I hear a girl's voice say from the other room. "We can all thank goddess for that, he got fired after he started making some...adjustments to the exhibits. My friend and I work part time now." Masha explained

I decided to go into the other room and join the conversation, I find a group of kids....some of them are witches, but my eyes eventually land on this human girl with dark blonde hair that faded to blue, gold eyes, and a pumpkin sweater, she was kind of cute. she stared back at me, starting to blush slightly. I blushed too before the purple haired witch girl in the back broke the silence.

"Hello, who are you?"

"Oh, I-I'm Y/N, I was the friend Masha was talking about." I stutter out, sighing. "They get to work the desk while I'm stuck cleaning up the mess Jacob made." I groaned. Masha giggled at my misfortune. "Sucks to be you, pointy-ears!" I glared at them, before turning back to the witch girl.

"Anyway, how can we help you?" She rummages through her bag, handing me an ancient looking piece of paper. "We need help translating this." I inspect the paper, before my eyes light up, knowing what it is. "Cool! A rebus!" Masha leans over their desk to look at it. "Really?" She asks excitedly. "What's a rebus?" The green haired girl asks. "It's a weird ancient puzzle. This is the first one I've seen." I say. "But, I'm good at translating things like this, so I'll help!" I inspect the rebus closely.

"...what the heck is a titan's blood?"

"Titan's blood!?" They yell in unison. I glare at them. "This is a museum, keep it down." Purple-Hair clears her throat. "Right, sorry. Thank you for your help Y/N, Masha. Masha nods happily. "No problem-o! That's what we're here for!" I nod in agreement, smiling, as the group files out the door, I stop the blue-blonde haired girl at the door by holding her shoulder, I feel her jump slightly.

"Hey, you look really familiar."

"F-Familiar? No, no, I'm new in town. I just have one of those faces!" She smiles, before nervously covering her face "but, o-only one, j-just the normal amount of face."

I give her a confused, yet amused look and let out a small chuckle, blushing. "You ever need a tour guide, hit me or Masha up, okay?" I hand her one of the pamphlets from the front desk, earning Masha's famous 'ooh, you're smitten for them.' look as I take it off her desk.

"By the way, I never caught your name." I say. "Oh, I-It's Vee." She stutters out. I smile kindly. "Okay, Vee, see you around!"

I was about to turn around when-


I turn around with the instinct to shush her. But I hold back. I wait for her to speak.

"Would you....maybe...want to go to the park with me tomorrow?"

She's asking to hang out.....SHE'S ASKING TO HANG OUT?

"Oh, uh, sure. See you then."

"Bye!" She waves before heading out and catching up to her group

I shut my eyes tight, bracing myself.



Maybe they're not gonna do it this ti-



Word count:773

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