🥀Fall Under my Spell-pirate!eda X siren!Raine-part 1

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Teehee I'm in a silly lil angsty mood today
Eda's POV
I was just sitting around, doing nothing. It was my average day, quiet, peaceful...

"Bor-ing" I yelled in a singsong voice. I got up, desperately looking for something to do. Already cleaned the deck, helped the chef with the food AND the dishes, fed and played with the captain's parrot, there was nothing else to do. It's amazing how being in the middle of the ocean makes you productive. So, I was just minding my own business when I heard singing. I personally don't sing often, but even I had to admit, it was beautiful. I look overboard, I could never unsee what I saw...

A siren...

They had light green hair, dark green eyes, dark skin, and a beautiful, red mermaid tail. I don't think they noticed me. They just continued singing softly. I didn't even know who this person was, all I knew was that they were a mermaid, which is already crazy, but their singing voice was...strangely alluring. I closed my eyes and listened to the angelic humming as it slowly drew me in. That's when they noticed me. But they didn't stop humming. Instead, they smiled, closing their eyes and humming louder drawing me in more. It felt like my mind wasn't my own, like I was being controlled. The captain always warned us about sirens, how they could take over your mind and kill you in an instant.

But, they couldn't possibly mean any harm..could they?

Maybe you should go talk to them, Edalyn.

I don't know what it was, but I didn't feel like myself. Slowly, I climbed up onto the edge, toward the siren. I readied myself to jump. I would finally be fre-


Reality snapped back to me in an instant, I was pulled down from the edge by one of my fellow crew members, hearing a screech from the sea, I rush to the edge to see the siren with a pained expression on their face, a harpoon through their stomach. I widened my eyes with fear, and a strange sense of....anguish? I didn't think. Immediately plummeting myself into the water, hearing the crew behind me as i fell.


"Eda, no!"

"What, has she gone mad?"

"The siren got to her..."

The moment i reached the water, I swam with desperation to the bloodied rock, picked up the siren, and swam away as fast as i could.

Raine's POV


...what happened?

I slowly opened my eyes, I wasn't in the water anymore, i could tell. The pain in my torso was still there, but it surprisingly wasn't unbearable, just really sore.

"Ah, you're awake." I hear someone say. I look to my side to see a gray haired girl with gold eyes in a red pirate uniform. "Who-Who are you? I managed to stutter out. "Name's Eda." She responds. "I kinda saved your life, even if you tried to murder me. No hard feelings, i guess..." She says sarcastically, it almost sounds like she regrets saving me.

"Right. Sorry about that, I'm Raine." She rolls her eyes. "Cool, you wanna leave and go back to your weird siren kingdom or wherever you live?" She grumbles. I flip my fin around, checking to see if it still worked. To my utter shock, it worked just fine. "I think ill be okay to swim, but what about you? How will you get back to your ship?" I question. "I won't." She responds. "Thanks to you, my whole crew thinks I'm dead. I can't go back. Might as well actually be dead." She glared at me, i shivered under the stare. "Then, if I'm responsible for you losing your crew, I'll try my best to ensure you're at least still alive, It's only fair." I promise. She paused for a second. I assume she was pondering over either dying or being stuck with me. After a solid two minutes, she looks back to me.

"Fine. You've got yourself a deal."

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