2. excitement

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*for a second, Dave didn't say anything,but slowly he started smiling slowly before leaning over the table and wrapping his arms around Kurt, hugging him and patting his back quickly before sitting down again, still flashing him a horse-teeth smile*

[Dave,still smiling]: "r-really?? oh my god, thank you man!"

[Kurt,taken aback at how Dave reacted]: "no..problem man,i mean..you were the best choice"

[Dave, still gleaming]: "yet again, thanks dude!"

*Dave takes another bite from his pizza and runs a hand through his hair*

[Kurt]: "don't mention it, trust me, im happy too..but we should probably finish our pizza before it gets cold"

*Dave nods, taking another bite*


*They both finish their food, getting up from the booth and walking out the door,the sky is now dark*

[Kurt,walking beside Dave]: "well uh, its been nice man..i guess i'll see ya...unless your house is this way too..then we can walk together..ha"

*even after they talked for a bit, they can't really help but be super awkward around eachother*

[Dave]: "oh uh, no my house is more west, ill uh..see you tomorrow.."

*Dave hastily shuffles away, looking down and waving behind him to Kurt,who watches him leave and waves bye back,even though Dave cant see it*

[Kurt]: "seeya..later..man??"

A/N:[the next part will be thoughts, so instead of " it'll be () when they say anything, this applies for the whole story]

[Kurt, shoving his hands in his pockets and messing with a piece of paper which has Dave's number in it and some spare change, walking home slowly]: (ugh..that was so awkward..god, why cant i socialize normally?!, i dont think either of us can..)

[Dave,also walking home, still thinking happily about his success with his audition]: (yes! you got the job, Dave! thank god..i was so nervous..jeez..)

Friendship bracelet ( Kurt Cobain x Dave Grohl [kave] )Where stories live. Discover now