4. Movie

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[Kurt]: "okayy...uhh..how about some random old stuff..you heard of I Love Lucy??"

[Dave, visibly thinking for a bit before gasping and turning towards him]: "Yeah!! i remember now..my grandma used to turn it on sometimes while i got ready for school while i was a little kid"

[Kurt, smiling back at him]: "Oh, good..you wanna watch some episodes?"

[Dave, turning back towards the tv and leaning back on his beanbag]: "Yea sure"

*Kurt switches through a couple channels until he finds I Love Lucy re-runs, then sets the remote on his nightstand and props himself up on his elbows, watching the intro play*

[Dave, smiling and watching the tv]: "Man! so many memories i forgot.."

*Kurt nods, seemingly wanting him to stop talking so he can keep watching the show without much distraction without being rude,on which Dave gets the hint*

[*They both continue watching the tv occasionally getting up to get something or making small commentary on the show and laughing*]

[Kurt, seemingly a bit nervous for some reason]: "Aye uh Dave..you wanna uh.. sleep over??...its okay if not!"

[Dave, smiling and nodding at him]: "Yeah Sure"

* a bit of an awkward silence emerge between them afterwards, occasionally glancing at eachother before going back to watching tv silently*

[Dave]: "Hey uhh...what time is it??hell what day is it??"

*Dave chuckles slightly at his own small remark at the end,Kurt joining him*

[Kurt, looking over at a clock on the wall]: "Uhh...about 5:30pm..why??"

"Oh, and its Thursday,the 18th"

[Dave]: "oh uh...shit..,i was hoping it was later..im tired"

[Kurt, raising an eyebrow and scoffing]: "Dont you sleep like 16 hours a day??"

[Dave, chuckling softly and hiding his face]: "uhh.."

[Kurt, shaking his head]: "Maybe thats why you're always so full of energy.."

*Dave looks down at his nails while picking at them*

[Kurt,patting the end of his bed]: "...you can sleep up here if you want,i dont mind"

*Dave raises an eyebrow, sitting up*

[Dave, although already crawling onto the edge of Kurt's bed]: "Ya sure?? i dont mind sleeping on the floor.."

*Kurt nods, pulling his legs closer to him in order to give Dave more room as he flops down fully onto the end of Kurt's bed, curling up and grabbing the edge of Kurt's blanket and hugging it*

[Dave,who is mumbling and already falling asleep]: "thanks Kurt.."

Friendship bracelet ( Kurt Cobain x Dave Grohl [kave] )Where stories live. Discover now