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Simon Riley (Ghost) – Spiders. Yes, silly fear since you fight in a war for a living but you've always been terrified of spiders ever since you were little. You try not to freak out when you see one because you don't want the other to see how much of a weakling you are but sometimes when they're REALLY big, you literally cannot control it. So when there's a big spider, you'll literally scream and jump on Ghost's back telling him to kill it. It makes everyone laugh and Ghost just think you're a little weird but you'll beg him to kill it and he does and no one will ever let it down.

John MacTavish (Soap) – Being Forgotten. It's a silly little fear you have considering it was something that would probably never happen but every now and again whenever you were alone, alone, like completely alone with your thoughts, you would think that nobody loved you anymore and that you were completely forgotten about, like if you died or disappeared that the world and your friends/family would move on.

It'd freak you out to the point of tears that you'd usually run to your father but given that he's the captain and he's usually busy you never really liked worrying him and you were an adult at this point so you thought it was silly to continue to go to your father for things like this...So, when you began dating Soap, you went to him instead.

He'd usually be chatting with the others or in the sparring room training, whenever you did find him, you'd hug him so tightly fearing that if you let go that you'd disappear and become nothing to him. He'd worry because you'd be close to crying at this point in which you'd tell him what happened and he'll reassure you and literally hold and kiss you saying it'll never happen and stay by your side for the rest of the day making sure you're okay.

John Price (Captain Price) – Failure. You're Laswell's kid, didn't think I'd really have to explain this one. She wasn't SUPER strict but you did have rules growing up and yea, there were punishments here and there but never abusive or dramatic ones so you did literally everything you could to be perfect and do good in life and while that did get harder growing up, you just wanted to be good enough so whenever you made a tiny mistake with Price or in combat, you literally beat yourself up to tears thinking you failed completely. Price understood that but never, ever thought so. He did his best to comfort you at the time and reassure you that you were okay and did a great job.

Kyle Garrick (Gaz) – Loved ones dying. I think this one was already a given. I mean sure you're kinda laid back like your brother and try not to be so strict and serious with life, but when it came down to the battlefield, you worried your fucking life away. You worried about your brother, your friends and Gaz as well fearing that you could lose them anytime you weren't near any of them...You always wanted to be near them and help them if anything went down because you were afraid something could happen and that would be the last time you saw them...it scared the fuck out of you and Gaz and Soap knew this and would do everything they can to make you feel better.

Alejandro Vargas – Thunderstorms. Silly thing considering that you're fighting in a war. But you never really liked loud noises and that's guns included so thunderstorms always freaked you out. The others know and have teased you about it but they are your close friends and would help you through it. When you began dating Alejandro, he found out about your fear one night when it was late at night and storming. You instantly had ran to his room and cuddled him under the sheets. He was confused on what was going on until he pieced it together and he made sure that you were safe and okay.

Konig – The dark. You've always been afraid of the dark ever since you were little and Konig's known this and has never made fun of you for it despite it being a little childish. He actually had given you a nightlight for your birthday once and you have been using it ever since but when you guys got together, honestly he thought it would be better and feel nicer to sleep next to each other for better comfort which of course did help a lot better but of course you still use the nightlight because why not? 

(Enjoy, I know they're rushed but whatever, feel free to comment suggestions!)

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