chapter 4

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A/N: I added a new, important character to the face claims so make sure to check it out before reading this chapter!

Arabella was sitting in class, she found herself staring at a brunette girl the whole time. She has beautiful chocolate brown eyes with brown hair.

The bell rung and everybody packed there things and walked out of the small class room. Arabella walked up to the brunette and tapped on her shoulder, she turned around with a warm smile on her face.

"Hello?" The unfamiliar teenager asked.

"Hi, i'm sorry to interrupt you, i'm Arabella Humbert."

"Oh, yes the Sheriff's kid right? I'm sorry about your father, it must be hard for you."

"It's fine, the mayor took me in, i was never that close with him." It was true, Graham was always working, he was never home.

"I'm Hailey by the way."

"Its nice to meet you Hailey, would you like to eat something at Granny's after school?"


"Okay, i'll see you after school!"

Hailey smiled at Arabella before turning around and walking to her next class.


After school Arabella walked into Granny's and saw Hailey sitting in a booth waiting for the blonde teenager.

"Hey!" Arabella said while sitting down in the booth.

"Hey, you survived school?" Hailey said with a smirk on her face.

"Barely, miss Smith kept yelling at me for no reason during math."

"I know right! She always accuses me of cheating or talking during her lessons." We both laughed, she is so pretty, i really want to get to know her better.


Back inside the Enchanted Forest
9 months before the curse

Odette has been living under her new curse for a week now and she's flying around the Enchanted Forest trying to find shelter for the night. She sees a cave below her and lands in the forest to check it out. The swan enters the cave, she doesn't see anything so she decides to try and sleep in the dark and cold cave.

Odette woke up to see a brunette teenager watching her sleep. Odette's eyes widened and she sat up, she wasn't a swan anymore.

"Who are you and why are you watching me sleep." Odette said scared and frustrated.

"I'm sorry but this is my cave, i claimed it over a year ago."

"You could've just wake me up instead of spying on me like a creep." Odette yelled.

"Sorry but you were turning into a human i couldn't help but stare." The brunette said while showing her sharp teeth in the corner of her mouth.

"Wait, are you a vampire!?" The blonde teenager said standing up.

The brunette looked down at the floor.

"I should leave before you try to bite me or something." Odette said before walking out of the cave.


The following night Odette was walking around a small village untill she saw the brunette teenager put her sharp teeth into someones troath.

"WHAT THE HELL" Odette yelled.

"Oh please, not you again."

"Why are you sucking blood out of an innocent women?!"

"It's the only way i'm able to survive, you drink water to stay alive, i drink blood."

Odette's eyes turned black.

"Oh, i see the white swan also has a dark side." The Vampire said with a smirk on her face, "No way!? Aren't you the product of good and evil? I've heard many things about you."

"Yeah, that's a sensitive topic." Odette said looking at the ground. "I loved catching up with you but i have to get somewhere if you don't mind." The blonde teenager said turning around to walk away.

"Wait!" Odette turned back around to look at her. "I didn't get your name yet."

"Odette, my name is Odette, what's yours?"


"Bye Hailey, i hope to never see you again." The blonde said smiling at her as she turned around.

Hailey stood there just staring while Odette walked away

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Hailey stood there just staring while Odette walked away.



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