Redemption's Tears: Finding Hope in Regret's Rain

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In the eternal rain of regret, I stand,
Beneath the tears of choices, I demand,
A chance to rewrite the stories I've spun,
To undo the deeds that can't be undone.

Each droplet falls, a memory's lament,
A haunting echo of where I'm bent,
In the river of time, I'm caught, I'm swept,
By the relentless flow of secrets kept.

But in the midst of this downpour so cold,
I search for a shelter, a hand to hold,
For in forgiveness, I'll find my reprieve,
And in redemption, my soul will believe.

The eternal rain of regret may pour,
Yet hope shines through like never before,
In every drop, a chance to renew,
To heal the wounds and begin anew.

So let it fall, this rain of regret,
For through its tears, I shall not forget,
To learn and grow, to strive and reset,
In the eternal rain, I'll find my vignette.

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