A Journey of Regret and Redemption

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In the gentle rain's soft refrain,
Amid quiet lanes, I dwell in pain.
Regret, a shadow deep in my soul,
Whispers of dreams that once made me whole.

With each droplet's fall, a teardrop's grace,
In this watery, timeless space.
I seek redemption in this tempest's form,
To mend the wounds, my heart to warm.

The rain, a mirror reflecting my wants,
My yearning heart's whispered taunts.
In this downpour's sweet embrace,
I seek forgiveness, a saving grace.

Let the rain cleanse my deepest fears,
Wash away the sorrows, the tears.
In the midst of the downpour, I see a chance,
To find my peace, my second glance.

So, in the gentle rain's soft refrain,
I navigate these quiet lanes.
In remorse, in hope, in each drop's trace,
I journey through life's complex grace.

Eternal Rain of Regret (POEMS) Where stories live. Discover now