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 "Wait," I protested, trying to process the thoughts running through my cluttered brain. I was practically infatuated with this guy for years in high school, and Damien- my best friend- never told me he might have liked me back. How could he? I can't ever imagine why he would do that to me, I never did anything to him! If anything, I'm the best friend he's ever had. "So you asked Damien about me, and he told you to stay away from me?"

  "Yeah." Derick shrugged, pulling a cigarette from a pack and lighting it. "I figured you were his girl." he spoke, blowing out misty swirls of smoke. I'm growing used to the scent- actually, I'm beginning to enjoy it.

  "Can I get some of that?" I asked, nodding to the cigarette in his hand. He laughed, tossing his head back and dragging on it again.

  "Seriously?" he asked, extending his hand to offer it over for me to take. I nodded my head, reaching out and taking it from him. I sucked in, expecting the same unpleasantness of before. But, this time, it was much easier. In fact, its really relaxing. I inhaled deeply before letting it seep out of my mouth, and I didn't break eye contact with Derick for a second. And it worked, I could definitely tell he was impressed.

  "Seriously." I said back, winking. He just smirked at me, and I put it back to his lips so he could take a drag. "So, anyway..." I started, remembering our little issue. "I'm pretty pissed off at Damien right about now." I said.

  "Yeah, that's a pretty shitty thing to do." he agreed.

  "I really just don't get it." I said, shaking my head. "He's my best friend. Its just wrong. Especially cus' he told you to stay away from me!" I ranted.

  "He wants you." Derick stated.

  "Wants me? What do you mean?" I laughed.

  "I mean, he likes you." Derick said. He's wrong, isn't he? Of course he is! Damien could never, would never, has never had feelings for me. That's just silly, we're just friends.

  "No way," I laughed, shaking my head. "Damien's been my best friend since eighth grade. He would never feel that way for me."

  "You never know." he said. "All the more reason for me to hate his guts." he snarled, lifting me up so he could get out of the chair. The red ash of his cigarette bounced up and down against the darkness.

  "Where are you going?" I asked eagerly, jumping up to follow him.

  "Let's go see a movie." he said, stopping to let me catch up. Alright, my boyfriend is crazy. Clearly, we can't see a 4D movie in a closed theatre in Jordan's Furniture with no one here to run it.

  "A movie?" I scoffed. "How are we gunna' do that?" I asked, propping my hands on my hips. I saw Derick take out his phone, and quickly type out a text message before sliding it back into his pocket.

  "Do you want to?" he asked, ignoring my remarks.

  "Well, yeah, but..." I started.

  "Then yes, we are." he interrupted. My face contorted in a confused smile, raising my eyebrows incredulously.

  "Now, babe..." I started, teasingly putting a hand lightly on his bicep and cocking my head to the side. "I know you can work miracles and all, but you can't do everything." I said coyly.

  "Oh!" he scoffed, smiling and faking offence. "Wow, Chloe, I'm really hurt that you don't believe in me!" I laughed, shaking my head and reaching up to pluck the cigarette from his lips and bring it to my own. I reached the last bit of it when I heard footsteps racing toward us. I dropped my cigarette, putting it out in the ground with my heel. 

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