Chapter One: The Journey to Hogwarts

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A/n: Hi! My name is Maddi, and this is my first book series that I have written. I love to write Hp fan fics, and just writing in general! I hope you like this chapter, and if I made a grammar mistake or if something doesn't make sense, feel free to let me know!!😊
Rosetta Nymphadora Jean Granger-Weasley sprinted through the wall between platforms nine and ten at King's Cross Station. As she ran, she heard a loud whooshing sound and the wind whistled past her ears.

She then, broke the barrier and stood both anxious and exited as she waited for her parents. Soon enough, her mother, Hermione, and father, Ron, appeared through the wall aswell, followed by Hugo, her little brother.

Rose spotted her favorite cousin, Albus Potter, talking to his father in the distance. "Albus!" she shouted. He seemed to not hear, and he walked onto the train, unable to take in his surroundings. Desprately wanting to see her best companion, Rose hastily kissed her parents on the cheeks and attempted to get on the train.

"Rosie, just where do you think you're
going?" Ron asked, grabbing Rose's arm to stop her from leaving, "We need to talk real quick, alright?" Rose looked up at her father's stern expression and nodded to show that she was listening.

"So, do you see that boy over there?" Ron asked, pointing to a small kid with platinum blond hair and silver eyes standing next to his parents. "Yes..." Rose replied, unsure. "Well, that's little Scorpius Malfoy. I want you to stay away from him. He isn't good news," her dad said looking more angry by the second. Rose knew why. She had been lectured about how bad the Malfoys were, and how they supported Voldemort, blah blah blah. "People can change," Rose would think as her father ranted on and on about how Draco Malfoy watched her mother get mutilated by his aunt Bellatrix."And why does he have to dwell on the past? All of this just because I said that Lucius Malfoy had nice hair."

"O..kay? Can I go now?" Rose asked, already running off, "LOVE YOU GUYS!" Ron chuckled, putting his arm around his beautiful wife, "We love you too!" "She'll be alright... won't she?" Hermione asked worriedly. "Of course she will," Ron said, not entirely sure of himself, "I hope..."
Rose searched the compartments for Albus, however got side-tracked because she ran into the sweets trolley with some good-looking Chocolate Frogs. Finally, she got to the last compartment, and sitting there alone was none other than Albus Severus Potter.

"Hey, Al!" Rose exclaimed, taking a seat next to him and tossing a Chocolate Frog wrapper on the ground. "Er- hi, Rose," Albus mumbled. "Albus, what's wrong? I hope you aren't stressing over what house you're getting sorted into, because we already went over the fact that you are too much of a Hufflepuff to get sorted into Slytherin," Rose said, laughing at the last part knowing that she was far from Hufflepuff and the chances of her getting sorted into that house was slim.

"Well... WHAT IF I AM SORTED INTO SLYTHERIN?!" Albus shouted. "Slytherin really isn't that bad, you know," said a quiet voice at the compartment doors. Rose's head snapped in the direction of the voice and saw the small boy her dad had pointed out earlier.

"Uhmm... hi. Scorpius. I'm... Scorpius," the boy rambled, looking down at his black Converse sneakers. "Uh, hi. I'm Albus, Albus Potter," Albus stated, "This is my cousin Ro-"
"Rose. Rosetta Nymphadora Jean Granger-Weasley," Rose interrupted.

    Scorpius looked at her in awe and amazement. "Hell of a name," he muttered, sticking his hand out for Rose to shake. Rose ignored Scorpius's comment and his desprate hand shake. "I think we should go. Come on, Al," she said. "No... I think I'm gonna stay here. But, you can go," Albus replied, smiling at Scorpius. "Albus," Rose said sternly, "I won't ask you again." "Good," Albus snapped, "I am staying." Rose was shocked at her cousin's outburst. "Fine. Have it your way, Albus," Rose huffed, grabbing the her stack of Chocolate Frog cards, the top one reading "Hermione Granger".

"Wait, please don't go!" Scorpius complained, "Here, you can have some of my Fizzing Whizbees!" Scorpius thrust the fizzing sweets in her hands. Rose felt very overwhelmed, so she quickly ran out of the compartment much to the blond boy's despair.

    As Rose rounded the corner, she crashed into a tall muscular figure. "Oh, bloody hell!" the figure exclaimed, quickly standing up and holding out a hand to help Rose up, "I am so sorry, it was entirely my fault."

    Rose took the person's hand, and saw a rather handsome boy with wavy black hair and... well, blood red eyes. "What's your name,  love?" the boy asked. Rose seemed to be lost for words. "I- er... Rosetta. I'm... Rosetta Granger-Weasley," Rose said, not able to introduce herself using her full name. "You should always use your whole name when introducing yourself," her mother would say, "So people will know the brave and heroic people you were named after."

    The boy smirked a smirk worthy of the Malfoys when she said this. "Well, it is an absolute pleasure to meet you. But Rosetta seems like a rather long name, so I'm going to call you Etta. I'm Tom, by the way. Tom Riddle," he said. "R-Riddle?" Rose asked, "As in Moldy Voldy? Voldemort? The Lord Voldemort?"

    Tom laughed loudly at this. "Yes, well I am not like my father at all. So much so, that the Sorting Hat actually considered putting me in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw," he said. "Really? Well, I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn't be so bad... Or Hufflepuff for that matter. Not that I would ever be sorted into either of those houses. I'm too mean to be in Hufflepuff, and I love Quidditch way too much, so my studies probably won't be that important to me," Rose said, smiling at the thought of her joining the Quidditch team. "Quidditch?" Tom asked with a grin, "Well, Etta, I think we are going to get along just fine."
    A/n: Okay! Sorry if this chapter was a bit short, but the next one will be better (and longer), I promise! Also, how about some Q&A? Hopefully, I will be able to post this chapter after school tomorrow! But for now, thank you for reading!
   Yours truly, the one and only Maddi👩‍🦰💕💕

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