Chapter Two: The Crazy Old Sorting Hat

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    Tom Riddle II 🔛🔝 (Also, the sorting song is awful, I know😭, but I didn't want to copy it completely from the original Harry Potter series.)
After many hours of exitement, anxiousness, and chocolate frogs, the Hogwarts Express finally came to a stop at Hogsmeade Station.

    Rose quickly hopped off the the train with her stuff, and Tom followed close behind. Grinning, he said, "Alright, Etta. I think you have to get on the boats. They will take you up to the castle, and I will see you at the Sorting Ceremony." He waved, and ran off towards the carriages.

    Rose searched for a boat to ride in, but the only one with an available spot was Albus and Scorpius's. Reluctantly, she got in and sat down. Scorpius's face instantly lit up, and he scooted closer to Rose. Albus just sat akwardly across from them.

    Another figure got into the boat and sat by Albus. She had long, blonde hair and dark blue eyes. "Hello," the girl said in a dreamy voice. "I'm Alexis Lily Longbottom! I do believe that you have met my parents, Neville and Luna Longbottom. They are both professors at Hogwarts and I am so excited to see them."

    Rose smiled at Alexis. "Hey, I'm Ro-" she started. "-setta Nymphadora Jean Granger-Weasley. I know absolutely everything about you." Alexis interrupted. Looking at Albus she giggled, "I know everything about you aswell."
Rose smirked as Albus turned beet red.

    "Oh, look!" Scorpius suddenly exclaimed. "Hogwarts!" The four children turned to see the most beautiful castle they had ever laid eyes upon. Rose and Alexis gasped, and the boats stopped to allow them to get off.

    Hagrid the giant (yes, he is still teaching at Hogwarts) helped them off and led them to the doors of the Great Hall, where they were met by a strict looking woman with stormy grey eyes. "Thank you, Hagrid," she said. Hagrid nodded respectfully, and walked through the doors to sit down.

    Everyone directed their attention to the woman. "Hello, students," she said firmly, "I am Professor McGonagall, and welcome to Hogwarts. Now, through these doors, you will be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Now follow me, please."

    McGonagall magically opened the doors of the Great Hall, and the first years followed her in. Rose looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw James and Fred making funny faces at them, which caused her to giggle a bit. McGonagall stopped in front of a stool, where an old, battered up hat sat. Out of nowhere the hat burst into song:

    "Throughout the years, I have sorted thousands of Hogwarts students; and they have all been sorted into these places; Now, I know that I'm old, but I remember the names like it was only yesterday that the founders gave me this job; You may be in Gryffindor, where they are brave at heart, their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart; you might be in Ravenclaw if you have a steady mind, their wits and clever brains set them here this time; or maybe in good old Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, those Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil; or possibly in Slytherin, where they are sly and ambitious, those Slytherins are also commonly known as mischevious; So put me on! Don't be afraid! For I am never wrong!"

    The whole Great Hall burst into applause, and McGonagall spoke. "Now, once I call your name, you will place the Sorting Hat onto your head. It will then tell you what house suits you best." She cleared her throat and yelled, "Creevey, Mackenzie!"
    Mackenzie nervously sat down on the stool and without hesitation, the hat shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!" The whole Gryffindor table burst into applause, and Mackenzie happily sat down. "Nott, Parker!" McGonagall yelled. He was then sorted into Slytherin, along with Raymond Black and Mason Montague, and Collin McLaggen was sorted into Gryffindor.

    "Longbottom, Alexis!" Professor McGonagall shouted. Alexis practically skipped up to the stool, as she shoved the hat onto her head. After a minute or so, the hat finally shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!" She jumped off the stool and ran to the applauding Gryffindor table, and forgot to take the Sorting Hat off, so she had to walk back to the stool and sheepishly hand it to Albus Potter. Professor Neville Longbottom grinned, as if reliving a fond childhood memory of his sorting.

    Albus sat down on the stool and anxiously put the hat on his head. Five minutes went by, and the hat finally shouted, "SLYTHERIN!"
The Slytherin table was ecstatic, but the Gryffindor table went quiet. Albus glumly walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down. However, after Scorpius was sorted into Slytherin, Albus happily applauded for his friend and couldn't stop smiling.

    "Weasley, Rosetta!" McGonagall finally shouted. Rose calmly walked up to the stool and eagerly jammed the Sorting Hat on her head. She quickly glanced over at the Slytherin table and saw Tom smirking at her. "Ah! Another Weasley!" shouted a voice in Rose's head. "Yes, I may be a Weasley, but I am also part Granger!" she thought angrily. "A feisty one, too! You are fairly smart, I see... ooh, and you want to prove to everyone that you aren't the same as your parents!" the Sorting Hat said. "I know just where to put you... SLYTHERIN!"

    Silence. Complete silence. The Great Hall finally let out a gasp, because both the Potter and the Granger-Weasley were sorted into Slytherin. Nobody expected this. Tom proudly started to clap, and the rest of the Slytherin table did, too. Soon, the whole Great Hall applauded, even James and Fred (though they did reluctantly).

    Rose grinned and went to sit down at the Slytherin table next to Tom. "I knew you could do it, Etta," he smirked. Rose laughed and food magically appeared on their plates. As she ate, she thought, Wow! Maybe being in Slytherin won't be so bad, after all!"


Okay! This was a longer chapter, and I am so sorry that I haven't been updating as promised! I have also come to see that we are 219 in #albuspotter, which since there is only two parts, I am overjoyed!😅 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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