Chapter 1:The Woods & Slender Mansion

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Nico's POV:

I didn't know what happened that night, nor do I truly cAre. I knew I wasn't going to last very long, so I didn't fight it, I accepted the insane gene in the Children of Hades.

Many people thought I had somehow also made myself immortal after the insane gene erupted inside me. They were wrong, my insane gene had mutated and caused the change of having me to be immortal.

My powers had also strengthened, I no longer get as tired in shadow traveling, I could use my geokinesis gotten better, allowing me access to the power in close strength to Hazel. Monsters no longer attack me, my power scaring them and the fact I was immortal and not bound by ancient laws. After summoning skeletons I don't get as fatigue, although I don't use that power very much. My telepathic powers with the dead increased that I can talk with the living somehow. My dream travel allowing me to be able to give my victims nightmares, without really trying. My power over being able to sense and feel death being able to stretch over a large city. My Hypnoknesis are equal to that of a demigod child of Hypnos and my limited Cryokinesis that happens when I'm angry can happen upon will although it's not strong to something like any demigod who might have such powers. When I kill my victims I could see their life auras fade and die out, also being able to see when they are incredibly afraid.

But then it comes to the gods. The gods who in their petty fear for their children banished me from the camps, although they are completely and utterly idiots as I still have shadow travel and easily come back if I wished.

I left camp anyways, I never really liked it there anyways. Fuck all of theses dumb asses, like I could give a shit.

The day I actually left was unforgettable though, I grin manically under my pitch black hoodie and mask at the memory.


"I, King Zeus of the gods, banish you, Nico Di Angelo son of Hades, from Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood for your insanity. If caught on grounds with your insanely acts, you will be shot down on the spot, anyone will have the right to attack you on the spot if sighted!" Zeus thundered in his overly large throne.

The rest of the Olympians sat in their thrones, only Hades and Hestia really looking saddened. Hades because his only son was getting banished, and it wasn't the child's fault the insane gene had interrupted Nico's life. Hestia because a once good demigod was once again getting punished for something uncontrollable.

Nico had given the response no one would thought he would give. He stood straight as he insanely laughed, the sound of uncontrollable and insane laughs making the gods slightly cringe.

Suddenly, Nico stopped laughing abruptly, a blank look on his face as a small grin showed on his face. Nico's newly pitch black eyes with no whites stared deeply into the gods very cores.

"Do you actually think I care? Wow! An I actually thought you were supposed to be King of the Gods. Pretty stupid move sending me to my vacation." He said mockingly.

Zeus eyebrow twitched, and, before anyone could stop it, he threw a lighting bolt at Nico. The flashing being able to be seen everywhere.

When the light cleared, they saw that Nico was gone and a scorch mark was on the floor. Zeus glared at the spotted and looked smug before his eyes widened when the throne room suddenly grew below freezing. A voice chuckling humorously as shadow tendrils grew over the throne room and the only light was Hestia's Fire at her hearth.

The shadows left as quickly as they came and was in for a shock when Nico Di Angelo stood without a scratch on him. His grinning face and demonic eyes peering at them insanely.

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