Chapter Eleven

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Emily's POV

     Harry and I finally reach the creek. He gets out of the car and heads over to the water. I sit in the car and take shaky breathe. I am super nervous to get into the water. Harry said he would teach me how to swim, I trust him, but I can't help but think of what happened the last time we were here. I walk out of the car a little shaky.

"Why are you so nervous its just Harry." I think, "Maybe it's because Harry is the one who pushed you into the fucking creek." I thought back to my conscious.

"Babe are you coming?" Harry asks pulling his shirt over his head. He is breathtaking. I stare at him wide eyed pretty much. He is perfect I don't know what he sees in me what so ever but I don't really care. I love him more than anything.

I smile as he grabs my hand. He looks over confused. "Are you going to change?"

I look down at my outfit. "Well I don't have a bathing suit." I shrug. Harry laughs, "Just wear your bra I've seen you naked before remember?" He smirks. I punch him in the arm. I pull my shirt over my head; now that Harry knows what my scars are actually from I'm more self-conscious. I rub over my scars trying to erase them from my body so he won't see the imperfections. Harry notices and grabs my hands and pulls them to my side. I gasp as he gets closer to my face.

"Please don't ever cover up in front of me Emily. " Harry says lowly, he isn't angry with me but he is upset that I don't like the way I look. "You are absolutely stunning Emily, nothing about you is imperfect please don't cover yourself." I nod my head as he releases my hands and kisses me on the lips.

Harry's POV

Emily and I have been laying on the ground by the creek for 30 minutes now. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me. I place my head in the crook of her neck and inhale her sent. She smells like vanilla, fucking Christ what am I even saying anymore. I used to not give a shit and now she has me falling in love with the way she fucking smells. I want to give her the world but if I keep acting like this I'll lose my reputation.

"Let's go swimming." I say getting up abruptly. She hits the ground from my pulling my arms out from underneath her. I want to apologize, but now my mind is conflicting on what to do. I don't want her to be pissed with me but this has got to stop.

"What was that for?" She says rubbing her arm. I look down at her arms that are covered in scars. I take in a breath. How could Emily do that to herself. She is perfect, absolutely perfect, it's because of her fucking messed up dad and her bitchy mum. She deserves the world and they both treated her like trash. If I ever meet her dad I swear to God I'll beat the shit out of him. I don't even understand what goes on in my head. I am naturally kind to her yet my mind tells me to be a dick. That is fucked up and I don't know why that happens.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled grabbing her hand. I was going to teach her how to swim, and we were going to have a good time. She just got into a fight with her mum, and told me about her past, I had to make her happy today. She looked tired and upset; I just wanted her to be happy again.

"Ok so let's being." I say putting a smile on my face; it looks unnaturally happy so she furrows her eyebrows and laughs. I grab her hand and bring her over to the creek. I get into the water with her. She gasps at the temperature since it is only November. Even though I am holding onto her hips she is trying really hard to stay above the water.

"I have you." I say as she takes a deep breath and tries to calm down.

"I know." She says looking directly at me. She looks scared but she's trying to hide it. I don't want her to be afraid of me, or the water. She may say that it isn't my fault that she is afraid of the water, but I definitely made her fear 10,000 times worse.

"Ok I'm gonna let go now." I smile at her, her eyes widen. "Please no no no, don't let go."

"Emily you can do it babe you were just treading before just do that when I let go of you ok. I'll be right here." She nods lightly. I let go but I'm right there if she needs me. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. She starts treading has her head drops a little bit. She chuckles at her clumsiness as she continues to stay above the water.

"See! It's so easy you are doing it Emily! You are swimming!" I say swimming a little closer to her as she starts moving.

"Oh my God! Harry I'm doing it. Holy shit this is so easy!" she laughs, seeing her happy makes me happy, Jesus the effect this girl has on me.

"Ok that's enough for today." She says getting out fast. I chuckle and run after her, I grab her by her waist and spin her around.

"Harry! Don't throw me in a swear to God." She shouts, laughing at the same time. I place her down and she walks over to her clothes. She puts her shirt back on and grabs my hand.

"Thanks for taking me." She says running her hand through her wet hair.
"Anytime." I mumbled pressing my lips against hers.

Emily's POV

I am so grateful for Harry. Honestly, the things the boy does for me and the things he makes me feel. I want him to know how much I care for him. I look over at him as we wait at a red light. I grab his hand and squeeze. Harry shifts uncomfortably in his seat for a second.

"Um, Emily?" He questions rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes?" I say placing my hands in my lap, should I have not grabbed his hand?

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date tonight, with me?" Harry says looking out the window. Clearly he was not used to going out on a date with someone.
I chuckled at his awkwardness, "Of course I would Harry."

He smiles and lets out a deep breathe, "Ok I will pick you up at 7."
I smile and nod dropping him off at his house; he kisses me on the cheek and saunters off to his house. I park in my driveway and see that my mom is no longer home.

"Thank God." I think, knowing that I once again avoided my mom and another problem in my life.


Okkkk so I hope you like this update! I am working on a trailer for Mend My Heart. If any of my readers wants to make one as well comment and let me know that'll be super awesome!!

there is going to be major drama in the few chapters ahead. I mean read the description of the story! 😂 So let's see where Emily and Harry's relationship go

Love you guys!

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