Chapter 2

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Bellaro, one of my fathers most trusted soldiers, who has been with our family, with me through thick and thin. I had never once seen this soldier balk at anything my father asked, never cry or smile he is as ruthless and loyal as they come. Bellaro watched me grow up, always a comforting presence in the background and offering his knowledge when I was an arrogant teenager , he was at my birth, at my first Christmas, my first word, my first kiss, my first kill, my marriage. Like an uncle I knew had my back and advised when I was a fool, father trusted him, I trusted him
All that trust and he was the one who betrayed us.  A traitor, a mole to the familia after leaking missing shipment information for months to the bratva. When we attained the information a few weeks ago father was furious and demanded a bullet to his head, I was the one who convinced him to analyze the situation and use it in our favor to get a closer eye on Bellaro. See if he would trip up lead us to other moles.
Instead I was the fool. When my wife escaped the guards were all stationed by him making it easier to escape. I don't know how they did it, if Elena was in on it or not but this was no accident. This was a planned escape, my cunning wife and bellaro couldn't have planned their move so perfectly without help, if not from the bratva then another of the familias many enemies.
I'd be impressed that my Dolce volpe pulled this off, if it didn't make the familia look weak, I already get enough shit from father about not being able to control Elena.
I scoff. As if there's any possibility of controlling her. My Dolce volpe has had me wrapped around her beautiful finger since before our marriage was arranged, I'm pissed at her but I know I could never force myself to harm even a lock of her golden brown hair, even if my father ordered it. I'd sooner put a bullet in my head than harm her. But that doesn't mean I won't punish her for this fucking stunt, though my punishment will not envolve so much blood as Bellaro's.
I can already think of other more pleasurable methods to make her scream, then we'll see if she dares attempt to run from the familia again. When my men called to tell me she ran, they hadn't even finished speaking when I was already halfway to the airport, I was furious.
My love should know by now that no one can run from the familia once your inside.
I return my icy gaze to bellaro watching as how this man, who I looked up to when I was a child starts blubbering. A mix of tears, sweat and blood running down his pleading face.
My second in command had him drugged and tied down on a meat hook, dangling him by his hands. We were in a warehouse, far away from anyone able to hear his screams.
"PER FAVORE, Romeo you know I would never betray the familia. I didn't know
Elenora was going to use our kindness against us. If I'd know I would've doubled the guards and never stationed my men there."
Emmet, my second as stoic as ever asks for me "Where is Elenora."
"I told you I don't know. She never mentioned anything that raised my guard."
I click my tongue " I do hope you used that same sentiment while negotiating with the bratva."
Bellaros weathered face scrunches in confusion, then pales.
That action alone confirming everything my fathers hackers and spies had found out.
Fottuto bastardo
I caught Emmet's eye giving him a slight, nod he pulls out a gun from the back pocket of his jeans and aims it at Bellaro.
My fathers oldest and most trusted soldier in the familia widens his eyes, a dark wet stain on his pants growing. Bellaro would never tell us anything of use he's been trained never to break he'll just avoid the questions while going on and on with bullshit spilling from his lips. He's been on thin ice for a while and we'd have better luck finding my wife with the network of spies, it's only a matter of time until my Dolce volpe slips up. Luckily for her when she does I'll be there to catch her.
I turn walking out the door as Bellaro's pleas fall on deaf ears I make it a couple steps up the stairs when a loud gunshot sounds. And then only my steps could be heard as I climbed the stairs.
You can run my love but you'll never be able to hide from the familia, no one ever does.
Plus I'll enjoy the chase.

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